Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.
Our K poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet
~Circle Time~
Songs and Rhymes
Old King Cole
Sing a Song of Sixpence (on the "King" theme again)
Seasonal (for Advent):
See the Candles Burning Bright
Advent is a Time...
Waiting for Jesus
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Mary echo pantomime (of the Annunciation/Visitation)
St. Nicholas pantomime and song
~Foods for K Week~
Chicken a la king - first time making this, and I didn't care for it, even though it had a whole stick of butter in it!
We also had kale chips and Kix cereal. I also would have liked to have had kielbasa, but I like to avoid nitrites and couldn't find any without it. Maybe at Trader Joe's? I'll have to look when we are there over Christmas... Also, I should have made Korean BBQ - so, so yummy - how could I have forgotten it????
~Tea Time~
Rambo enjoys tea time (I swear, she does this headband thing herself!)
Here's a close-up of the teatime snacks... they also had some blueberry tea (what, no kiwi tea?!?)
~Letter Formation~
forming letter Kk using playdough
writing K's in cornmeal
Cut and Paste K Collage... Caroline also noted that "kids" is a K word, although she didn't write it down by their images on the K collage
Punch Out the Letter - Capital and Lowercase Kk
~Flower Fairy for Letter K: Kingcup~
Caroline coloring her flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book
Caroline's completed Kingcup Fairy
~Saint for Letter K: Blessed Kateri~
painted Blessed Kateri
Copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustrating Blessed Kateri
Caroline's completed work
~In the Book Baskets~
Favorites for Letter K:
Liturgical Year and Religious K Books:
various other Advent/Christmas books
~Picture Study: K is for Kiss~
Caroline drew the painting Virgin and Child by Dieric Bouts, which shows Mary and the infant Jesus sharing an intimate moment.
Caroline's work next to the original
~ABC Virtue of the Week: Kindness~
Caroline's copywork from the K poem in God's Alphabet
~Activities for K Week~
Another silent k... knitting!!!
Finger knitting, that is
~Cooking Project: K is for Three Little Kittens Cookies~
Mixing the dough...
...rolling it out...
...using the letter K cutter to cut out cookies (we also used a cat shape - from Halloween, but oh well - and I freehanded a mitten shape)...
...lifting the cookies to a baking sheet...
...adding some "pie filling," aka jelly...
The kittens got their mittens pretty messy eating that pie! ;) They even got some on their paws and on a few Ks!
~Chores/Practical Life: K is for Kitchen~
unloading the dishwasher
I've never heard of finger knitting. That is so cool. I am dying to learn how to crochet and knit. I want to make the girls leggins for ballet. Love to learn how to finger knit! You find the best stuff!
Making ballet leggings would be so cool! I added a link to the Youtube finger knitting video in the post... it was really clear and easy to understand! Here's the address again since I still have it copied and can paste it right in:
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