Happy Halloween!!!

Caroline decided how she wanted the jack-o-lantern to look and I sketched it onto our pumpkin. The girls helped Daddy to carve it while I was grocery shopping.

They were both cats this year. Caroline is wearing my ears that my mom made for me when I was about four years old. She also wore them the Halloween when she was two. Aside from the ears (which are really too big for a two year old!), Cecilia wore the same outfit that Caroline had worn when she was two (I had to use different, much shorter black leggings for Cecilia, though!). Cecilia's cat ears were mine when I was in high school, I think... yes, I trick-or-treated through all four years of high school and loved it!

They did really well with holding still while I painted their noses and whiskers!

Caroline really wanted to put up spider webs this year after seeing it on some other houses. It was something I did as a kid most years, too. Spider rings aren't made as well as they used to be, though! ;)

We went trick-or-treating with neighborhood friends, and they invited us to roast hot dogs before going around the neighborhood.

Cat tails: I made Caroline's out of felt the night before Halloween (at midnight or so....)

Group shot at their first stop

Cecilia's ears kept falling down.

They ventured up many sets of steep stairs to ring doorbells!

Peeking in her bag

Cecilia bummed a ride in our friends' wagon.

I have to ask...what are the girls with the fuzzy animals on the front of their outfits?!?!
Cute pics by the way. Glad to see a post about people who don't make a "big deal" out of "halloween" and why they don't celebrate, hee hee.
They are monkeys... they wore their matching monkey outfits from a dance recital. Apparently this was a last-minute decision they made because they wanted to match.
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with doing Halloween stuff as long as it is not something involving the sleazy or disgusting costumes and decorations that are out there... and we remember it as being "all hallow's eve," which means all saints eve, and we celebrate the feast of All Saints Day on Nov. 1. One year I'd love to do an all saints party (or attend one that somebody else organizes!) and let the kids dress up as a saint. And then they would have two days in a row of dress-up fun!
I am impressed, not so much that you have parts of your childhood halloween costumes, but that you are actually organized enough to *find* them. If I had stuff like that around, I'd never be able to find it again! lol.
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