Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Engineer

That's what I call Cecilia sometimes. My dad and two of my brothers majored in engineering, and Cecilia may have inherited those genes. She is a "figure-it-out" kind of baby, for sure. Caroline was much more skilled in the communications department than the how-things-work department, so this is new to me. A baby who gets into things??? Today, she started going for that cap thingie at the base of the toilet (guess I need to clean down there now, and maybe tape that cap on too). Crawling under the toilet didn't even register on Caroline's radar. Maybe this time I have a baby who will actually climb inside the Tupperware cabinet...

The knob on the bottom drawer in the kitchen is of great interest to Cecilia. It also happens to be loose. She has unscrewed it completely - twice now. And today I caught her with it about to go into her mouth - yikes! I need to superglue it or something.

"Hiya, Mom... no, I'm not up to anything!"
Such concentration...


Charlotte said...

Wow, your floor is nice and clean, Erin. Good going!

Mike Gellatly said...

thanks for the link to your blog! i tried to start one and couldn't keep up with it. but i love to read others.... look forward to seeing the girls grow since we don't live around the corner anymore. can't believe how big they have gotten!

matt was my "engineer"... into everything and taking everything apart. still is!


Erin said...

Ha, thanks Charlotte... that'd be my husband. He's the one who mops the kitchen! And the glare from the flash on the white floor makes it look cleaner than it is, lol!

Anonymous said...

I know this feeling! Katie was our "talker" and Noah was our "walker." I never had to put safety latches on anything when Katie was little. If she couldn't reach it she didn't care...but Noah, ...yeah, he swallowed a penny and fell down two flights of stairs. And we really do watch them!

Lisa Boyle said...

She is just precious!