Friday, October 04, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lucy!

Lucy turned 2 on September 12!  We celebrated a couple days later on the following Saturday.  Here is her cake - carrot cake with a whipped cream frosting.

The birthday banner is officially one year old and has now been used for each of the girls... Lucy twice now!

She needed some help blowing out her two candles!

I love this picture.  Such wide eyes.
And I do believe we might have a lefty...

Cecilia enjoyed her cake!

Cousin Julianne and Caroline

Lucy drinks cranberry juice out of a "big girl cup."

Present time!!  No, we did not give Lucy a pound of cheese from Mississippi State for her birthday... the box just happened to be a perfect fit...

...for her new water bottle!

I think this might have been her favorite gift.  Anything to be more lie the big kids!

Yes, this is her new smile.  I remember when my youngest brother would do this kind of smile whenever we said, "Tim-Tim, do your grin!"  It's definitely a toddler thing.  Anyway, this baby is from Gramma and Grampa and has since been named "Ganey."  Yes, Lucy already has a Ganey, referred to as such because she was called "Green Baby" by me and "Greeny" by Caroline, which Lucy said as "Ganey."  Never mind that this baby is pink - it has similar hands to Ganey and therefore is another Ganey... like how Caroline had several bears who were all "May-May" when she was two.  I call this baby "Pink Ganey."  Lucy has no concept of color yet.  If you ask her what color something is, it is always "blue."

This is a set of wooden nesting bowls. I highly recommend them - they probably don't look like much for the price, but they are sturdy and well-made and non-toxic, all wood... and all three of my kids have played with them a lot in the play kitchen!  Lucy has put dry oats and play food in them  I find them all over the house.

When she opened them, I said to Lucy, "You can use these bowls to feed your dolls in the little kitchen!"  Apparently she thought I meant right at that moment...

Pink Ganey got to try them out before I got Lucy back for the rest of her presents...

Gran and Grandad gave her a couple of board books and a cute new outfit - I am excited to see her wear it when it gets a bit cooler.  It was *almost* cold enough last week, but now we are back to normal fall temps for the South...

Caroline was so thoughtful in wanting to give Lucy a present - she made her this necklace with her name on it.

This is her last gift from Mommy and Daddy... a toy bucket truck, of course.

We have since added a little Lego guy to it - he fits in the bucket perfectly.

Uncle Mike, Aunt Crystal, Julianne, and Chloe gave her some new clothes for fall and a baby doll - Lucy carried these two babies around with her for the rest of the day!  She was happy to have some that are just hers!

Happy Birthday, Lucy Marie!!

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