Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Another structured, weekly theme for a blog post that may get me motivated to post more frequently!  This is an every-Thursday link-up hosted at Like Mother, Like Daughter.

~ Pretty ~

Our Saint Francis statue was the centerpiece at our homeschool group's monthly get-together.  It was my month to plan our activities, so we read a book about St. Francis, colored his picture, played two animal-related games since he is the patron of animals ("I'm Thinking of an Animal" and "Rabbit, Cat, and Dog plus St. Francis"), and ate Critter Crunch!  Here are the leftovers, photographed at home since I can never remember to take pictures at our get-togethers - too busy!  I had set them all out on my pretty bird platter that for some reason says "Not for food" on the back.  Well, the food wasn't directly on the tray's surface, so I am thinking that it's fine!


Nothing says happy like a big mug of hot black tea with milk and a Harvest scented Yankee Candle!

~ Funny ~

While I was cooking dinner, I turned around and was greeted by Lucy's latest endeavor in her busy activity.  She had arranged her church shoes on this upside-down basket.  Perhaps she has a future as a museum curator?

~ Real ~

The fall weather has been making appearances lately!  This is a treat in Georgia, where it is always summer until at least early November, ha ha.Lucy even wore a little cardigan sweater the other day because the wind was a bit chilly.  And can you see the little lip injury?  she bit it because she fell, or something.  I don't remember; injuries happen so frequently with her that it is hard to keep them straight! ;)

round button chicken

1 comment:

  1. I love the St Francis activities and I too am enjoying burning my fall scented candles.
