Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Lucy's Baptism Anniversary 2013

Today is the Feast of the Guardian Angels, and also, Lucy's baptism anniversary!  What a great day to be baptized!

I made a banana pudding as a special dessert to celebrate.  A white dessert, good for both baptism and angels.  Of course, when you put meringue in the oven, it browns...

I based this pudding off this recipe here.  I have made it a few times before.  Not as good with tapioca starch instead of flour and minus the vanilla wafers... but still very good!

We lit Lucy's baptism candle... she loved that!

At the end, she "blewed it out."  Well, she tried to... she doesn't quite get how to blow out a flame yet, so I helped her before she caught her hair on fire. ;)

Caroline commented, "It's even more important than a birthday!"  Guess that's why I still haven't put those birthday photos up... or maybe because there are a lot more of them...

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.  Amen.

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