Monday, June 21, 2010

Random Bits

So, Cecilia is learning to use the potty. She has had a few days of diaper-free time and has done really well overall, even going to the potty unprompted when she needs to pee... except for when she pooped on the carpet the other day... ha, it was really not as bad as it sounds! She looked pretty bewildered at what had happened!

Here are the girls playing their "guitars." I cut them out of cardboard and drew strings on, and then they decorated them. Cecilia, who seems to have some musical talent (goodness knows she didn't get it from me! ;), says, "Where's my pick? The pick is for strumming."

Caroline continues to teach herself to write. After the Tonic concert, she wrote this message on a piece of orange construction paper. She also wrote the following "grocery list" about two weeks later. Can you read what anything says in either picture? (You can click on either photo to enlarge)

Today I drove past a handwritten sign on a phone pole in a neighborhood... on it was written "Carport Sale." I have never heard it referred to that way... it is either a Yard Sale or a Garage Sale, regardless of whether the sale is actually held in the yard or if you have a garage or not. I guess these people must have wanted to ensure that there was no false advertising about their sale. Maybe they would see it as lying if they'd said "Garage Sale" since they apparently have a carport instead of a garage, and that is an incredibly important, relevant distinction... Strange.

Most recent picture of the girls together.. oh, if only they always cuddled up and smiled like they were best buddies!

Here are a couple pictures from Father's Day. The girls helped me make a tape measure card, which we adapted by adding an accordion-folded paper full of recent photos.

Daddy took the girls swimming at the indoor pool while I swam laps, and he read them some books... that was our Father's Day around here. Hope all the dads out there had a nice day!

Okay, so here's our News of the Weird... this is what I found in the hens' nesting box this morning. On the left, you see a normal chicken egg. On the right... well, I assume one of our birds laid that, but I would rather think that a smallish bird broke into their home and laid its own egg in their nest. I hope that one of them isn't sick and that this is just some kind of quirky fluke! Caroline wanted to crack it open immediately to see what it looks like. Eh... maybe we'll do that, but I am a little afraid to find out what weirdness may be inside...

First day of summer pictures are coming soon!


  1. Oh, yeah! I'm good and deciphering little kid writing, hehe...sadly, her writing looks very much like Kain's.

    I think I see pears, apples, tomatoes, oranges,toothbrush, toothpaste, Um..does that say "clothes that have pockets"? hehe, chocolate?, and your names I think...

  2. yes, it does say "clothes that have pockets," ha ha... and "nots" is "nuts." and she remembered the most important thing of all, chocolate! i don't know why she wrote our names, though...

  3. I love kid writing!!!! And I am with you with the chicken eggs...I would be freaked out too!
