Friday, June 18, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest, Er, Most Inappropriate Things

Does anyone else have kids who just babble all day long, just to hear themselves talk, asking nonsensical questions and expecting them to be answered? Things like, "Mommy, does your head like your mouth?" "Cecilia, are you a cheese?"

Caroline has always played with language... making up random rhyming words (once when she was three or four, she was saying "sh1tty" because it rhymed with something... "itty bitty," I think it was). She also just makes up words, or she uses real words in places where they don't belong, thinking it is wildly funny, and causing her to, for instance, proclaim that 40 year old rock stars are "yum yum." If somebody was to overhear this, I am sure they'd be appalled, thinking that we are actually saying these things and she is picking up on them... Or how about when she makes up her own abbreviations for words, like when she was once asking for crackers at snack time by saying, "I want some more crack, please."

There is a kids' song called Apples and Bananas, and for each verse, you change the vowels... so it starts as "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas," and then it becomes "I like to it, it, it ipples and baninis," and so on. So Caroline and Cecilia like to sing, "I like to nip, nip, nip, nipples and baninis."

I hope I'm not the only one whose kids say such innocent yet horrifying things...


  1. You're not alone. My youngest does stuff like that, too. She has an uncanny knack for embarrassing me. Last fall she thought it was funny to call people a peanut, but the way she said it didn't sound like peanut. I was mortified when she said this to the bald husband of a couple who came up to complement my girls on how well they had behaved during Mass. It turned into a very awkward discussion.

  2. oh dear! ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

  3. AWESOME!!! And are not alone!
