Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two Year Olds and Water!

A great combination!

I took Cecilia with me to Huntsville to help my sister-in-law around the house and with my nephews for a few days last week. Baby John was born six and a half weeks premature, so even though his birthday was back in April, he was about the age of a one and a half week old baby at the time of my visit when you adjust for the prematurity factor. He is tiny and precious, newborn-baby sized! Unfortunately, I realize now that I uploaded my photos, that I didn't take any photos of him!! That'd be because, as a newborn baby, he was almost always nursing or sleeping! You will have to take my word for it that he's precious!

So, Caroline got to visit Gran and Grandad in Nashville for a few days so that I could actually try to be of useful help. All mothers of new babies, especially when they also have older children, deserve to have as much help around the house as they can get so that they can concentrate on resting, getting nursing figured out, and not worrying about much beyond the very basics.

So, the only pictures I took were of Cecilia and cousin Andrew in water-related situations (they also took a bath, but I took no photos of that). They enjoyed splashing in the backyard kiddie pool. Ahh, a fine example of parallel play in the above photo. ;) So very Two of them... and the interest in the pouring of water as well...

We took the kids to these fountains on my last day there. Cecilia was a bit shy at first... she is rarely scared of anything, but she is often intimidated for a few minutes before plunging (literally!) in headfirst! She is a bit cautious, but certainly not overly so. Andrew seemed to be the same way - sizing up the situation for a minute and then proceeding to get right in the middle of it and get completely soaked! Neither of these kids minds getting splashed in the face!

Water fountain, anyone?

a cute expression from Andrew

They had a great time!! We now have fountains in our very own downtown area... we will have to go sometime soon!!


  1. Where are the fountains in, I am guessing you mean Rome? I never knew they had any there! That would be a great spot to visit for us too!

  2. Yeah, they are downtown near the Forum... if we go, I'll let you know how it is. And maybe we could meet up there sometime on a hot day!

  3. We have family in Huntsville, too - nice town. Love the new picture of the girls!!
