Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Summer!

Okay, so it has felt like summer in Georgia for nearly a month now, but yesterday marked the actual first day of the new season. Here's how the first day of summer looked around here:

Barefoot sandbox time ~ we added some water to the previously dry sand!

Our Garden ~ Squash, tomatoes, and blueberries getting ripe!

Baby Birds ~ in our fig tree (just a few figs have ripened so far)

Whatever these flowers are called... beginning to bloom

Our New Patio

Making Sand Pies

Making Homemade Ice Cream!

One cup of frozen strawberries...

one cup of frozen banana slices...

pulse until coarsely chopped, then add a half teaspoon of vanilla extract...

add milk gradually, about 1/4 cup in all, to get desired consistency...

Enjoy!!! It was soooo delicious!

The girls sprinkled a few mini chocolate chips on theirs...

Welcome to Summer Celebration!!
(Caroline said, "This isn't really a celebration - we'd get to eat lots and lots more ice cream if it was!" Hmmph, I guess Cecilia can just eat it all next time!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Very cute, we'll have to try that ice cream. I was looking for recipes for Alex's bday this weekend. I found a baby carrot cake one to try. Thanks for inviting us this morning, the kids had a great time.
