Who would think that cloth diapers could be so much fun? I was so excited when my first package of prefolds and covers arrived, and we've since added to the collection. EBay is great for getting a few of different varieties to try out without breaking the bank... but it's easy to overdo it! Caroline has plenty of diapers in her current size now, but she will outgrow them eventually and need larger ones. We get most of our new diapers from
Baby Naturale - free shipping on orders over $50!
Currently, my favorite dipes are Kissaluvs fitteds. We have the pretty color ones! They are the blue, green, and yellow diapers in the picture. We use them with a Bummis Super Whisper wrap cover, and they contain messes wonderfully! I'm hoping to try Growing Greens fitteds soon, as they supposedly fit babies 5-35 pounds!!! We wouldn't need to buy a variety of sizes if those work!
Okay, it's probably a little weird to get excited about diapers, but I've always gotten excited about lame things. And based on her face in the photo, Caroline loves her cloth dipes as well!