Monday, January 27, 2014

Christmas Morning 2013

Here are some photos of our Christmas morning.  We woke up to open presents while the breakfast casserole baked and then later in the day, we went to Atlanta to my parents' house.

Lucy with a couple of her gifts - a stuffed unicorn from my old college roommate, and her new toy shopping cart beside her, a replacement for the old one that was cracked in several places and had no handle...

Lucy liked to help Daddy open gifts.

Lucy opening her play broom - now she can sweep in her little kitchen (or use it as a weapon! ;).

Cecilia got a Calico Critter camping set, and Caroline got a Calico Critter set of baby animals with little ride-on toys..

The older two girls got a package of books each.  Caroline got The Orphans Find a Home, Kat Finds a Friend, Kateri Tekakwitha, Secrets of Siena, The Father Brown Reader, The Search for the Madonna... and maybe another I am forgetting.  I like to buy them lots of fun Catholic books since those are not something we can usually get through the library system!

Lucy got this peg hammering toy... since she is kind of active and this can be an outlet for her energy, plus she enjoys repetitive activities now.

Cecilia looks through her book gift.  She got Can You Find Saints?, Lief the Lucky, Little Acts of Grace 2, Katie Meets the Impressionists, About Birds: A Guide for Children, Penny and her Doll, and Delightful Stories for Children - if you follow that last link, it takes you to Neumann Press.  I was disappointed because I had hoped to get her two other books that are being reprinted - but the reprint date has been pushed back, so I switched it out for the one they had reprinted.  It is a sweet book, but it is not what I really had in mind.  Oh well.  The two I wanted were Saints for Girls and An Alphabet of Saints

The stockings await their turn...

caroline gave Lucy this little stuffed bear she made from a craft kit - so sweet of her!

The girls found an envelope in the Christmas tree, held by an old stuffed otter that was mine.  I had bought it at the Tennessee Aquarium when I was 14 years old and the aquarium was relatively new (and I named it after Kurt Cobain only to come home that same day to find out he had committed suicide, but that is another story!), and I found it and gave it to the girls a couple years ago.  The envelope that Kurt the Otter was holding contained a membership to the TN Aquarium, a gift we bought for the family with money sent to us from Chris's grandfather!  We have gone once already and had a great time as a family!

Cecilia's almost-wasn't Christmas gift... a wooden stick horse.  I ordered one from an Etsy shop with enough time, according to the seller's shipping info.  Apparently that seller did a poor job of estimating and was behind and cancelled my order rather than forking over the money to overnight it and make it right... and of course I can't leave feedback to that effect since my order was cancelled and refunded.  So maybe I will post a warning review here at some point...or just tell you here, don't buy anything from hcwoodcraft on Etsy unless youdon;'t have a specific date you need it by!  I ordered it on December 1st, by the way.  So on December 21 when they told me they weren't going to have it to me after all, I was in panic mode to find a replacement - and it was Uncle Mike to the rescue!  My brother has our grandfather's Shop Smith and has been doing lots of woodworking projects with it.  So he offered to make a stick horse for Cecilia, and I drove an hour to his house to pick it up on December 23!

I made the bridle and reins on Christmas Eve, and it was all set for her the next morning!

Caroline had been asking for a doll to match the one Cecilia got last year for her birthday... here is where I got it, although this style isn't available now.


In their stockings, they got the typical candy, holy cards, toothbrushes, socks for those who needed them... and each of the older girls got a card game and an audio CD.  The games are Church Windows (a lot of fun, even if it is made by the makers of The Ungame, ha ha!) and Speed, a multiplication fact card game.  The CDs they got were Shakespeare for Children and Cat Chat Volume 1.

Lucy was thrilled with each thing she pulled out of the stocking.  She seemed surprised each time we told her to reach back in because there was more!

The biggest hit for Lucy?  Chocolate and gummy bunnies in her stocking!!

Hopefully I will post more Christmas photos soon...

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