Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

We attended one of the vigil Masses on Christmas Eve.  Our family posed by a tree in the vestibule after Mass.

Still hard to get everyone looking and smiling at once!

The girls posed by the large outdoor nativity too.  Lucy was excited to see the baby Jesus!

Lucy found some star-shaped candles in the fountain that were glowing red and green!  She spent awhile checking them out.

I love this little Rothschild coat!!!  My mom found it for $20 at Costco when Caroline was two, so I have enjoyed seeing each girl wear it - it is Lucy's turn this year!

Back at home, Lucy posed in her Christmas dress out in the front yard by our new wooden nativity.  All three girls have also worn this Christmas dress when they were two!

We also had Lucy pose by the chicken - since he was wearing a Santa hat, he got a spotlight shining at him at night just like the nativity did.  Lucy was trying to take her sweater off and we told her no (short sleeved dress!!  cold evening!!), so this is the face she makes when she is disappointed/embarrassed/full of silent defiance, ha ha.  She won't make eye contact at first and won't respond verbally after being told not to do something that she wanted to do.  See her hands, poised and just itching to take that sweater off??

In front of the tree.  I think I have given up on getting the perfect shot since we added a third child.  I only made four attempts this year - I suppose that means I admit defeat.  

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Opening one gift each on Christmas Eve... a tradition.  I always make sure that they each have something like pajamas or slippers to open that they can wear to bed that night or the next morning while still in pajamas.  This year it was new matching pajamas for everyone - haven't done the all-matching thing in several years now, but since Caroline still doesn't mind matching the others at age 8 and I found nice all-cotton wintery pj's at the Gymboree outlet store, this is what they got this year. 

 All matchy-matchy before heading to bed, after enjoying some Christmas goodies we'd baked along with some eggnog.

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