Monday, March 26, 2012

Cecilia's 4th Birthday!

We celebrated this in January, a few days before her actual birthday, and I am finally blogging about it... trying to play catch up here.  Maybe I'll post photos from Caroline's birthday party before May!  First, we went out for a birthday lunch after Caroline's ballet recital (yes, we did them both the same day; I thought it might be easier if family wanted to attend both so they could make it all one trip).  Cecilia picked Mellow Mushroom of the two pizza places downtown.  Here she is wearing her crown in the restaurant.

Then it was back to the house to celebrate with cake and presents!  I think maybe we did presents first though... Picasa is jumbling my photos into random order when they upload for some reason.  Anyway, she'd requested a chocolate cat cake with white fur.  I was glad for that relatively easy request!

Cecilia's cousin Julianne brought a baby doll to the table to watch the candle-blowing.

There were lots of cute photos of her with the cake, so I've posted them all. :)

And here is the cake itself.

Cecilia decorated her birthday crown herself.

Oh, here's a few more cute ones...

Cecilia opens a present from Gran and Grandad... it was an animal shape activity, like tangrams on different animal bodies.

Cecilia opens gifts from Gramma and Grampa: doll clothes.

Here's a gift from Mommy and Daddy: a set of toy treats for the play kitchen.  I scored this on clearance for a few bucks at Pier 1 because it was missing one of the treats... shh, the kids just think it was supposed to come with eleven!

We also gave her a wooden word puzzle, and Uncle Mike and Aunt Crystal and her cousins brought her an Aquadoodle.

Cecilia, you are already four!  And what a precious, funny, sweet, and patient four year old you are!

Gramma with her fourth and fifth granddaughters (fourth on the right, fifth on the left)

Both with that reddish hair... can you tell which one's mine? ;)

Chloe seems excited about the present-opening!

Gratuitous cute baby photo of Lucy from January

And a cute one with Caroline


  1. Oh, Erin, I cannot believe that she was 4! Wow! :-) It looks like a wonderful birthday celebration (and you made a beautiful cake!) :-) God bless!

  2. Happy Birthday Cecilia!
    goodness, that hair looks awfully red! I'm so hair kinda sorta runs in my family, and I've always hoped for a redheaded far, no luck!

  3. yeah, it runs in our family, the scotch/irish part (my dad's mom was half of each and had red hair)... then i have a cousin and a brother with red hair, and mine has reddish highlights. and my dad's beard used to be reddish-brown... i asked him the other week, jokingly, if he thought it'd still be reddish if he grew it back, ha ha, now that his hair's mostly white. we'll see if lucy's ends up really red - it's awfully cute, so i hope so!
