Sunday, February 26, 2012

Caroline's First Ballet Recital!

Caroline's ballet recital was in January, on the 21st.  It was in the morning, and then we celebrated Cecilia's 4th birthday in the afternoon.  Here are some pictures from the recital... the January recital always has a Christian theme.  They dance to Christian songs and the background has various titles of Jesus on it.  I really like that since they are a Christian organization, there is less worry about things like immodest dance moves and costumes as I might at a secular dance studio.  The dances were all so interesting to watch.  Lucy slept through most of it. :)

So, here are some photos my mom took with the awesome camera that belongs to her preschool.  We couldn't use the flash, but this camera did a good job of capturing the dance!  Their song was called "Big Fish" and was about Jonah and the Whale.

Here's the finale, when all the dancers come out on the stage and up the aisles.  They have another recital in May, which will be a secular one this time.  Cecilia loved watching the dancers and was pretending she was one of the teenage dancers!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I can't believe how big Caroline is getting! :-) She looks like she did a wonderful job. How awesome that you found a dance school that is Christian!
