Friday, January 13, 2012

St. Nicholas Day 2011

Yes, it happened over a month ago, but I am finally recording it here... new baby laziness syndrome going on here. ;)  I want to try to catch up a bit....

So, St. Nicholas Day was on December 6th.  The girls set their shoes out the night before, and in the morning they were found filled with goodies!  

This year, the shoes contained walnuts, holy cards (St. Andrew is visible - his feast day typically falls right at the beginning of Advent), and St. Nicholas chocolate coins to represent the story of Nicholas tossing gold coins into the home of  poor family.

Cecilia was excited about the chocolate!  St. Nicholas also left two new books for Advent, plus a box of candy cane Joe Joe's, which are apparently a much-coveted product at Trader Joe's as soon as they hit the shelves each year... my mom and I were buying them and another customer said, "Oh, you'd better get another box of those - they're so good and will be eaten quickly, and when you come back in a week, Trader Joe's will be sold out already!"  This man and his son were each carrying a box or two of the cookies.  My mom said that  they must be good since she just saw a lady with four boxes in the next aisle.  The man said, "That's my wife."  

I just bought one box.  Probably a good thing since the 2/5 of pregnancy weight I had lost hasn't budged any further (and in fact got worse over Christmas with all the yummy eating).

We have had a fancier breakfast on this day in the past few tears to set it apart as special.  Well, I wasn't up to preparing the candy cane shaped sweet bread this year, so my incredible husband did it!!  Caroline was really excited, since she remembers this bread from years past and enjoyed having it as our little family tradition.

enjoying her St. Nicholas breakfast!

Oh, and this was the evening before... we had our St. Nicholas pork and apples dinner, again in part thanks to my hubby, who cooked the meat so I wouldn't spatter grease on the little slingling.  

During the day, Caroline did some St. Nicholas copywork, we read St. Nicholas books and sang songs about him, and the girls made this fun set of paper figures that I printed from St. Nicholas Center.  

In the afternoon, we were invited by my sweet friend to come over to make St. Nicholas cookies!  Making cookies has been fun for us in the past years, but all that dough-rolling and icing-piping didn't sound very easy for me to manage with a baby.  So what a treat for them to have all the dough made and everything ready at their house!  The girls and I still got to help without the stress I would have faced trying to do it on my own.  And yes, my husband probably would have taken on the cookies too, but this way he didn't have to, and we got to still take part in the cookie tradition.

Yum!!  I just love this recipe!

and so does Cecilia, apparently!

St. Nicholas, pray for us!


  1. Erin, so glad to see you posting again! :-)

    I just love all of the wonderful things you do with your girls. You are an inspiration and are certainly giving me ideas for next year!

    God bless,

  2. thanks, lisa! i am slowly getting back to semi-normal... homeschooling with a baby is hard - all i do is baby care and school, and basics like feeding the kids lunch and dinner! my wonderful hubby is doing all the housework basically... once baby is more independent, i am sure the blogging will get back to normal too, maybe when she's a year or two, ha!
