Saturday, January 14, 2012

Advent 2011

A few things we did this year during Advent... St. Lucy bread on the 13th!  Chris made the recipe for us the night before so it'd be ready for breakfast.  He's so good at keeping the extra stuff (and the regular stuff!) going while I'm mothering the bitty one. :)  This day will be a fun one to celebrate in the future with our own Lucy!

The girls about to blow out candles on the wreath-shaped bread.

Our Christmas baking this year consisted of non-baked goodies that were easy to assemble: M&M pretzel dots, Christmas bark, and caramel popcorn.  No gingerbread men this year; maybe in 2012...

Cecilia and Caroline helped with the "baking." We always enjoy being able to put work into homemade treats to give as gifts.

The girls frosted a gingerbread house kit for the O Antiphon that begins with "ruler of the house of Israel," like last year.  This kit was particularly helpful in that the house came pre-assembled!

Cecilia adds an ornament to the Jesse Tree.  We enjoyed doing the Holy Heroes Advent Adventure and following Jesus's family tree.

And now that it's Chris's birthday, January 14, maybe I'll actually get around to putting away the Jesse Tree, along with the Christmas cards and other random decor that's out and about our house!


  1. I love your Advent photos! :-) Our Jesse tree ornaments need to be taken down, too. Thanks for the reminder, lol. We made ours. Yours look "extra-fancy." How did you make them? I just loved Holy Heroes for Advent. We are looking forward to their Lenten Adventure, which will be here before we know it.

    I hope you are all well!
    God bless,

  2. Lisa, the ornaments are from the Holy Heroes Jesse Tree DVD - all I had to do was print them off! I got the DVD as a freebie last year when I ordered something else from their website. When I have older children, I'd love to have them make some nice, permanent ones. I did that w/ my 4th graders when I taught in Catholic school, and they were so creative... I got out craft sticks, fabric, pipe cleaners, glitter, glue gun, whatever we had... we even ended up w/ a Noah's Ark made out of craft sticks.
