Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pretty Baby Pics

A bunch of Lucy photos for those who like to ooh and aah over baby pictures... this one is when she was almost six weeks old, wearing a cute little dress and matching sweater that my mom got for her.

Here I am holding Lucy... this was the weekend that the older girls went to spend a few days with Chris's parents. We'd gone out for a dinner date to Mellow Mushroom and then to a talk with dessert and coffee at our church... which is why I'm actually wearing makeup and have my hair done, ha ha. That's only been happening on days when I leave the house, and the makeup's been forgotten a few times. I've got to get a haircut... if I don't have a chance to do my hair, it is out of control. The lady who cut it before Lucy was born did not listen to what I said about layers not working with my hair!

Lucy at six weeks old

Wow, makeup in this photo too! Must have been a Sunday and I'd been to church. I love how babies look wearing gowns... like little legless things, hee hee.

Lucy in the sling, probably looking at a ceiling fan

Lucy with her adoring fans (not ceiling fans this time)

so sweet...

Tim, is this an early Bob face, possibly??

Lucy is eight weeks old here. In trying to decide who she resembles, I look at these and think she looks like me in my baby pictures, and a bit like my brother Mike's baby pictures...

Leaning forward on her own here... she has a strong neck. Tummy time - who needs it? ;)

looking a lot like me and Mike's baby pictures here

eight weeks old, showing off her cloth diaper. my only baby still able to fit in newborn-sized diaper covers at close to two months old.

how to manage taking your older children outside on a chilly, windy day while keeping the baby warm (until she resists being in the sling while awake and wants to nurse, which was managed in the sling while she was still wearing her coat...) - and the mug is how I stay warm, by drinking tea!

Two months old today! Still wondering what color her hair will be... it's not fallen out completely yet like the older girls' hair did when they were babies. Her eyes are still blue but have lightened up... thinking maybe they'll stay that way.


  1. Goodness, Lucy is so cute! I love her skinny little arms and legs!! Three beautiful girls!!

  2. She TOTALLY looks like you!
