Monday, May 30, 2011

U is for St. Ursula and Understanding, V is for St. Vincent de Paul and Vetch Fairy!

Getting closer to finishing the Alphabet path posts now... U and V are combined in the Flower Fairy book since there is no flower that begins with U. I am excited to share the photos from our End of the Alphabet Path Party... only W, X/Y, and Z to go now! I am also wanting to share the photos from our home May Crowning we did with friends last week... I'll get to it all eventually!

Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.

Our M poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet

~Circle Time~

Caroline said this cat she brought for show and tell had a name beginning with U, but I cannot remember what that name was at the time... the names of stuffed animals and dolls change far too often around here for me to keep up! I am surprised nobody brought Una, Cecilia's stuffed bear that she named about two years ago... I think I included underwear as the item in the mystery sound pouch, ha ha.

Songs and Rhymes
Old Lady Under a Hill
there aren't many U rhymes, so we just did whatever!

Caroline counting coins at Circle Time - we do this daily

~Foods for U Week~

Not many foods begin with U... didn't make an upside-down cake - but we bought an Ugli fruit at the store! Have you seen these? They are also called Unique fruits, and they are similar to an orange...

~Letter Formation~

Making Uu out of play-dough

Cut and Paste U Collage

Punch out the letter - Capital and lowercase Uu

~Flower Fairy for Letter U/V: Vetch~

Caroline's Vetch flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

~Saint for Letter U: St. Ursula~

Here's our St. Ursula painted saint.

Caroline does her copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints... I don't seem to have a photo of the finished work or illustration

~Picture Study: U is for Umbrella~

So I am too lazy to figure out the title of this painting of the girl with an umbrella... if you really want to know, I will take the time to look it up!

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Understanding~

Well, the virtue coloring pages I'd been using have run out with letter O. So, since Caroline seems to like them, I attempted to illustrate the rest myself and come up with the virtues. So I chose understanding for U and drew a coloring page of somebody comforting and showing understanding to an injured boy. My drawing isn't as good as the originals, and I haven't drawn much in recent years, so it's nothing fancy, but if anyone has been doing the virtue coloring pages and wants some pre-made for P and on, I would be happy to figure out how to upload them to Google Docs or something. Still reading Caroline a relevant story from this sweet little book full of stories with morals to them to correspond with the virtue coloring pages.

~U is for Union~

Caroline's copywork from

And for V...
Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.

Our M poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet

~Foods for V Week~

volcano mashed potatoes - made by shaping them like a volcano and putting cheese "lava" flowing down onto broccoli "trees"

Vegetable Cheesy Nut Pie

~Work Activities for V~

slicing vegetables

~Circle Time~

For show and tell, Caroline brought a stations of the cross card depicting Veronica, along with St. Vincent de Paul. Cecilia brought... a frog. The Viewmaster was in the mystery sound pouch this week.

Caroline writes the date at Circle Time.

~Saint for Letter V: St. Vincent de Paul~

Caroline does her copywork on St. VdP from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints

painted St. Vincent de Paul

Caroline's finished illustration. Not sure where she came up with the phrase she wrote at the bottom, "The colors of the poor." Sounds like the name of a Phil Collins song or something!

~Letter Formation~

Playdough Vv

writing Vs in cornmeal

Cut and Paste V Collage

~Picture Study: V is for Vegetables~

Caroline illustrated this painting, James Peale's Still Life: Balsam Apple and Vegetables.

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Virtuous~

Yeah, I know, virtuous is a stretch for a virtue... but what else is there?

~V is for Victory~

Caroline's copywork from

~Activities for V Week~

vegetable fill-in-the-blank and volcano maze

~Cooking Project: V is for Very Vanilla Muffins~


V is for Volcano!

We made a volcano out of foil and a disposable cup (directions here) and then filled it and watched it erupt...

The girls thought it was pretty neat! Volcano was our science theme, and we read a few books about them.

V is for Vegetable Seeds

We started our seeds this week... tomatoes (technically a fruit, I know!) and bell peppers. Caroline wanted to wear the hat to be a "farmer."

These seeds have since grown several inches tall and have been transplanted to pots and the garden beds outside!

Next up... W week!

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