Saturday, May 28, 2011

T is for St. Therese, Thrift Fairy, and Trees!

Finally posting from T week, which we did back around St. Patrick's Day!! I will get caught up eventually, because I really want to post photos from Z week with our End of the Alphabet Party!

Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.

Our T poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet

Here's our St. Therese painted saint.

~Circle Time~

I don't seem to have a photo of the girls with their T Show and Tell and mystery sound pouch items...

Songs and Rhymes
Ten in the Bed
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee
Three Blind Mice
I'm a Little Teapot
Little Tommy Tucker
There was a Little Turtle

~Foods for T Week~

I didn't take one single photo of foods during T week! But, here's some of the things we had: tempeh tacos, tomato soup, chicken tortilla soup, and French toast bake! I think we ate some other tortilla-related things as well, but I cannot remember exactly.

~Tea Time~

We had these yummy Tasha Tudor Toffee Bars - yum!!! And tea, of course!

~Letter Formation~

writing T's in cornmeal

Punch Out the Letter - Capital and Lowercase Tt

Cut and Paste T Collage

~Flower Fairy for Letter T: Thrift~

Caroline's Thrift flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

~Saint for Letter T: St. Therese~

Finished copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustration

~Picture Study: T is for Trees~

Caroline drew her own version of The Lightning that Struck Rufo Barcliff by Carroll Cloar. Sounds like a morbid title to me...

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Truthful~

Well, the virtue coloring pages I'd been using have run out with letter O. So, since Caroline seems to like them, I attempted to illustrate the rest myself and come up with the virtues. So I chose truthful for T and drew a coloring page of kids patiently waiting for a turn on the swing. My drawing isn't as good as the originals, and I haven't drawn much in recent years, so it's nothing fancy, but if anyone has been doing the virtue coloring pages and wants some pre-made for P and on, I would be happy to figure out how to upload them to Google Docs or something. Still reading Caroline a relevant story from this sweet little book full of stories with morals to them to correspond with the virtue coloring pages.

~T is for Trust~

Caroline's copywork from

~Activities for T Week~

T is for Tithe

We made this cute little church out of an empty, cleaned out carton of whipping cream. It is a tithing box... coins can be dropped into the opening and then taken to Mass to put in the collection basket. We used it for the pennies we were collecting during Lent. Here is where I found the idea at Catholic Icing.

The windows were fun to make: scribbling on coffee filters with washable markers and then dripping a bit of water on them to create a stained-glass effect!

~Cooking Project: T is for Toffee Bars~

Here are the girls working on the toffee bars that were mentioned above for tea time. So unhealthy, soooo tasty...


  1. what a lovely T- week. a beautiful T collage and very good penmanship!

  2. I'm playing catch up (as always!) and I was wondering if you were thinking of uploading your great pictures of the virtues? I would LOVE them!! Thanks if possible, if not, I totally understand!

    You AMAZE me with all you do. Wow. How do you do it?


  3. Sure, I will try to figure out how to upload them to Google Docs or someplace like that. I have done P-Z, excluding X. The ones I found for A-O are found on this blog:

    And looking at it now, I see that there are some for P-T there now as well. I looked before I started drawing my own, but apparently I didn't look hard enough!
