Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chris turns 30!

My husband turned 30 last week! Caroline and I made him a cake from my new cookbook... it is a chocolate zucchini cake! Caroline was very helpful by "cleaning up" the chocolate glaze that ran down onto the cake plate... and then I had to clean her up!

The recipe said the cake could stand on its own without the glaze, but I beg to differ. I think it really made the cake. And how could I leave out a chocolate part?

While Daddy opened gifts, Cecilia preferred to catch up on some independent reading... that is, until she noticed wrapping paper falling to the floor.

Caroline was interested in the gifts, though... she helped me pick out two shirts for Daddy, and I also had picked up this container of natural vanilla wafers from Trader Joe's... he like store-bought vanilla wafers a lot, so I got him this slightly healthier version. It seems that I mention TJ's a lot on my blog...

I just included this photo because I thought the smoke looked cool... Cecilia thought so, too. She was pretty fascinated for a minute there.

And in case you didn't believe me that I put zucchini in the cake, there is proof in this picture if you look closely! And I must say, my new food processor is awesome!! I put two of my new Christmas gifts to work in the making of this cake!

Hope you had a fun day, Chris!!! Love you!


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    First of all, I'm definitely going to need that recipe. :-)

    Second of all, I love Caroline's sling!

    And lastly, I got the same food processor for Christmas, only in white! :-)))

  2. I got that food processor for our wedding and it is AWESOME!! You will love using it forever!!

  3. Erin, when I get a chance I'll send you the recipe!
