Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cecilia's First Birthday!!

Cecilia turned one today!! And doesn't she just look thrilled about it? We celebrated her birthday on Saturday so that extended family could come. All of Cecilia's grandparents came, and her Uncle Mike and Aunt Crystal were also here. The birthday girl was in good spirits with all the entertainment of so many people in her home! She's been going through a rough patch lately, probably developmental stuff with so many changes and learning going on in her body, but you couldn't have told from seeing her on Saturday!

Here is Cecilia with her Grampa. Babies seem to have a thing for my dad... babies and cats both. They just like him for some reason. They can pick him out as somebody they want to hang around with. Cecilia even reached out for him a couple times while I was holding her.

Here is the birthday girl opening presents. Well, Caroline really opened them, because Cecilia didn't seem vry interested in tearing paper or looking in gift bags. She got this new animal book from Gran and Grandad and has been enjoying feeling the textures on each page! She also got new pajamas, a bib with sleeves, another book, and a stuffed animal. Oh, and college fund money and diapers - two things that are much appreciated, although I bet Cecilia doesn't really care about them one way or another right now! ;)

Here she is smiling about her stuffed Tigger.

And here are all of Cecilia's guests, hanging out after eating lunch and before having cake. For lunch, I made roast beef for sandwiches in the crock pot. My mom brought bread from TJ's to make the sandwiches. We also had sunflower pineapple slaw, veggies with dill dip, hummus with pita chips and bell peppers, fruit salad, and Ro-tel dip with tortilla chips as an appetizer (my husband didn't believe his health-nut wife that she was actually going to make the dip!).

We made her a carrot cake - Chris did most of the mixing and baked the cake, and I made the frosting Saturday morning with help from Caroline. My new food processor did an incredible job on the carrots.

Here we have the decorations... I didn't get as fancy as I did for Caroline's first birthday... oh well, at least I had some balloons! I also put out the pictures of Cecilia in the new frame that you can see on the china cabinet.

And now for the cake...Cecilia did her typical serious stare as we surrounded her and sang "Happy Birthday." I think she truly thought we were all nuts. She enjoyed picking up her slice of cake and eating pretty much the whole thing! She was pretty gaceful about it... but she still got a bit messy!

She is wearing the second of her two new bibs... I needed to start using this one ASAP and so I only wrapped one of them for her as a gift!

Yummy!! I hink she has a sweet tooth... or eight!
Happy birthday, sweet baby!


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    did crystal eat you hippy food? Cuz i probably wouldn't have.

  2. what hippy food? velveeta and ro-tel dip?? roast beef? she probably didn't eat the coleslaw, but that's the only thing that was really "hippy." You would have eaten the beef sandwiches and the chips and dip... maybe even the pita chips w/out hummus. i served coke (with caffeine) too.

  3. Happy Birthday Cecilia.

  4. Happy Birthday Cecilia! Late, because I'm behind on my reader!

    Hey, what's on the bottom of his shoe anyway? hehe...
