Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Should we get her a halo?"

This is what Chris asked me about Caroline last night.

We have been trying to pray a decade of the rosary as a family in the evenings after dinner and before bedtime. Last night, we were running short on time, so when Caroline asked if we were going to have out family prayer time, Chris told her that she could choose to have either a bedtime story as usual, or they could pray the decade of the rosary together while I put Cecilia to sleep.

Guess which one she chose??

Tonight though, she chose a bedtime story!


  1. wow. that is awesome. there is such a difference between boys and girls. i can hardly get Noah to sit still and pray with us through the our father...the whole decade is more "Noah, sit down" instead of "and lead us not into temptation"...hehe

  2. I know what you mean, having grown up with three little brothers - boys and girls sure do come with different hard-wiring!

    One tip I've heard for praying w/ small children is to have a box that only comes out at prayer time, and fill it w/ holy cards, medals, rosaries, religious books, etc. and let the kids look through those while you pray aloud... they aren't always saying the prayers w/ you, but they are still focused on a prayerful activity at their level. I should do a post here showing what's in Caroline's holy box... she uses it while I say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

    I also read somewhere about having a box with small items that represent the mysteries of the rosary, and small kids can look through it while the adults and older kids say the rosary.

  3. Wow! What a special child! God bless her!
