Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just curious...

...about whether or not my family reads this blog. By "family," I mean any relative in the extended family. I have noticed that nearly all the comments on posts are from people I have never met (mostly my online Catholic mom friends - nothing against that; I love you guys!!), and a few friends that I do know "in real life." Part of the reason I set this blog up and began posting regularly again was to have a way for relatives to see the girls as they grow and find out what we're up to. So, because I am curious to see who is checking in, please leave me a comment on this post. I promise I won't hold it against any of my brothers who don't comment ;)


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    hi erin,
    yes, i check in almost daily to see what's happening in the lewis family. when i talked to shirley on monday, she said that she checks in very often. perhaps she will respond herself.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    yep, i check in almost daily, too. yours is much more enjoyable (and cuter) than chris's.

  3. You are in my blog reader so I always get the latest update about your adventures with the girls. It's a great way to catch up in a way with an old friend from high school :)

  4. Anonymous8:48 PM

    ya i guess. i just put u on my favorites next to chris' blog.

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Hey Erin,
    Larry and I check in often to see what is going on with you all. We enjoy reading your blog.


  6. Way to get one point for my side of the family, Tim.

    The Nadolski side of the family must be tech-deficient.

  7. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I'm not family, but I do read it if I'm online for awhile. These days it mostly consists of popping online to check e-mail real fast or look something up, but if I'm on for more than 10 minutes I do try to check in! -B
