Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catching Up - Cecilia's 6th Birthday!

Cecilia's birthday was in January, I know!!  I have been bad about getting photos up lately.  So, better late than never: Cecilia's 6th birthday!

Cecilia wanted a fairy castle cake for her birthday.  We have been using the Flower Fairies alphabet book this year for Kindergarten, so flower fairies were a favorite for her at this point!

She had flower fairy plates and napkins for her cake.  We didn't do a big meal for her party because we were also fitting in a ballet recital that day - phew, tiring day! :)

I had made Caroline a castle cake before, so this one was basically the same.  Cecilia picked out some fairy toothpick decorations and stuck them in the cake.

 Part of the flower fairy banner we got... that I planned to reuse for the End of the Alphabet Kindergarten party at the end of our school year.  Guess what?  I forgot to hang it up then.  I even got it out and had it laying on a table, and then just didn't remember to hang it.  Maybe for Lucy, then...

We always have family parties... from this photo I can recall who was here: Gramma and Grampa, Gran and Grandad, Uncle Mike and cousins Julianne and Chloe.

 The best part about this cake - the towers get pulled apart and you get to eat ice cream out of chocolate covered cones!

Caroline, Cecilia, Chloe, and Julianne enjoying ice cream... Lucy must have been napping and missed out.  Shh, don't tell her.

Opening presents - she got Calico Critters...

and doll clothes...

and a sketchbook and drawing pencils...

and some books...


a colonial dress-up outfit!  This is what she most wanted.  It was handmade and I didn't get the order in in time for Christmas, so I ordered it for her birthday.  Yay Etsy - most of the time, that is!

She went to try it on right away - and she wore it tons in the first few months she had it.  It is very well-made and she says it is very comfortable!

While Cecilia was changing into her dress-up outfit, Gramma read to Lucy...

and Grampa read to Chloe.

And to close out the day, the girls at the city auditorium after their ballet recital.

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