Saturday, August 17, 2013

Aa Week ~ Cecilia Begins Kindergarten!

Cecilia began Kindergarten with A week a few weeks ago, before we went on vacation to the beach!  Here are the highlights of her start to the school year!

Traditional "first day of school" photo by the front door... don't ask me why it is always by the front door; I have no idea.  But Cecilia was happy to be included in the "first day" photos this year!

She made letter Aa using play dough...

...and tracing in cornmeal.

She heard the story and song of the Apple Blossom Fairy.  She has been so, so excited about getting to color the flower fairies this year - like, more excited than I would think one could be over coloring.  She really loves to color, and to draw.

She made apple prints using paint and an apple that was cut in half.

We also made an apple pie - here she is using scraps of pie crust dough to make "cookies" with an angel cookie cutter.

It is a tiny apple pie... I am trying to lose my extra baby weight still from this adorable little feather of a toddler:

Cecilia shows the finished pie... the top crust was made by cutting out the dough using an A shaped cookie cutter.

She made a collage of pictures beginning with A cut out from magazines.

She learned a bit about St. Anne and began learning letter formation by tracing poetry.

Her St. Anne illustration

More tracing - her angel poem

These biscuits made with angel-shaped cookie cutters are from a recipe that is actually called Angel Biscuits!  They have yeast in the dough, but they don't have to rise - but it makes them lighter and fluffier, like angels, I guess?  

A few other things Cecilia did this week... Assumption of Mary coloring (the solemnity of the Assumption was just this week, too!) and an apple tree craft/math activity using Do-a-Dots.

Cecilia also made an All About Me lapbook.

And finally, she colored her first virtue coloring sheet.  We will hang them around the room as a border and then compile them into a booklet at the end of the year.  Caroline is having fun remembering when she did these things... and complementing Cecilia about how she colors so well compared to when she was a Kindergartener, which is very sweet of her to say.

I doubt I will be able to keep up with posting each letter for Cecilia's Kindergarten year... but we are going to try to have as much fun with it as we can, and once I drop these last pesky 20ish pounds, maybe we can do more letter of the week cooking projects!


  1. Wow! That looks like a great week! Please post all the other letters as she works her way through the alphabet. We'll be starting this journey with our youngest in a couple more years. Posts like this are a huge inspiration.

  2. Hi Karen,
    If you look under the Alphabet Path label, you will find all the posts I did on this when my oldest daughter did it for her Kindergarten year. I had less kids and more time to be very detailed then!! Also check out the posts about the Alphabet Path from Jessica at - that is where I got a lot of the inspiration myself when we first did the Alphabet Path!

  3. What fun Erin! We are taking a modified hop down the alphabet path with my 4 year old. Have fun!
