Sunday, July 28, 2013

Catching Up... Celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus falls on June 7th each year.  The Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated the next day, on the 8th.  We celebrated by making these heart cupcakes and then decorated them like the Sacred and Immaculate Heart images. 

 The cupcakes were a King Arthur whole grains cookbook recipe... butter cake, I think?  We just frosted them with cream that I whipped up and then added strawberries for the flower and flame parts of the images...

 ...and mini chocolate chips as the crown of thorns.

I made these in a baking pan I found on clearance at the craft store... they have six heart-shaped compartments in them and are a bit larger than a standard cupcake.

 After dessert, we prayed the Litany to the Sacred Heart together.

Oh, and it was a Friday - on which we typically are meatless - but for a FEAST day, we get to feast!  So, t-bones it was!! 

Lucy loves to gnaw the bones after eating her fill of the beef...

We are loving this grass-fed beef that is filling our freezer - the t-bones especially are incredible.  Chris has learned to grill them just perfectly.  Lucy approves, as you can see!

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