Sunday, June 02, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter photos, finally!!!  I am just going to post them and be done with minimal commentary (I know, hard for me!).  We went to the Easter Vigil Mass at our church because it began at 7:30, which really isn't too late for the kids...  We took some pictures first in their Easter dresses. 

Our Passion/Resurrection scene on Easter morning

Easter baskets: Cecilia, Caroline, and Lucy

Caroline's basket - my old basket, and my mom's old basket as well!

Easter morning breakfast... it was nice to not have to rush breakfast before Mass since we'd been to the vigil the night before!  So, in addition to our traditional resurrection rolls I had made the day before, we had Scotch eggs (hard boiled eggs wrapped in raw sausage and then cooked in butter in a skillet - yum!!)

Cecilia shows her "empty tomb" roll.  I promise the Scotch eggs taste much better than they appear!  They look like rocks... the large rock in front of the tomb??

After breakfast, we went to Atlanta to my parents' house, where it had begun sprinkling.  The first egg hunt was inside with their cousins.

When the rain stopped, we went and hid the eggs outside too!

Then we had a big Easter dinner before heading home.  This is a centerpiece that somebody made for my mom and gave to her at the preschool where she is the director.  Isn't it cute??

A few photos from Good Friday, too... Caroline and Cecilia set up our Passion scene and made the figures move as we listened to a Stations of the cross audio CD.

Cecilia put the Stations of the cross cards in order and put the corresponding symbol with each one.  We also had our Good Friday dinner like in the past, with foods to represent parts of the reading from the Gospel.

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