Saturday, February 16, 2013

More Christmas!

Why yes, I am still blogging our photos of various Christmas gatherings... and I have some fun pictures from an Epiphany party we hosted as well.  Not doing too well with the timely blog posts, I know...

So, here are some pictures from the celebration with Chris's side of the family!

Stocking time - Gran fills a stocking for each of us for Christmas.  Here's Caroline and her cousins, Andrew and John, emptying their stockings.  John got a tube of chapstick that he was very excited about and kept showing it to everyone!

Caroline looks at an activity pad she got

The girls opened this dollhouse from their great uncle and aunt, who sent our gifts with Gran and Grandad... they later painted it and put in "carpet" (patterned paper)... I will put a shot of that at the bottom of this post!

The grandchildren helped to open Gran's new food processor

John waits patiently for his new airplane toy

Lucy had gone down for a nap right before everyone arrived... I had to go wake her up after two hours!!  She got to see the tail end of gift opening and then spent time opening all her own gifts!

Look at all the fun!!

Lucy got a chimpanzee family from her cousins and aunt and uncle - they go in her zoo toy.

Cecilia shows me some necklaces she got from Gran and Grandad

Lucy with a puzzle from Gran and Grandad

She got this train from her great aunt and uncle - it also goes with her zoo and came with a few more animals and another zookeeper!

Lucy opened her stocking last of all

And then she opened her Uncle John's last present for him - he'd been saving a couple gifts to make it last longer, ha ha.

Here are the girls painting their dollhouse!  they had so much fun doing this, and deciding which colors to use, which patterned paper to glue to which floor for "carpet" or "tile."  They painted the outside yellow with a black roof.  

The girls got these hats at Thanksgiving... Great Granny had them at her house - Daddy's aunt made them for the girls, in Christmas colored yarn!  They have enjoyed wearing them, and they fit very well!

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