Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Catching Up... Celebrating St. Lucy's Feast Day

My girls love the Swedish tradition of wearing a wreath of candles on their heads on St. Lucy's feast day and serving breakfast.  We made a new bread this year, a cardamom sweet bread recipe, and then formed it into a wreath and put candles in it like the crowns the girls wear.

They prefer the other bread, they have now decided... this one doesn't have icing!

The reason the girls dress in white dresses with white sashes is because St. Lucy was a virgin martyr... white for her purity, red for her martyrdom.  Cecilia is simply wearing a white t-shirt of Daddy's!

Caroline has a white Little House-style nightgown that she wore with her red ribbon sash.  Behind her, you see the outdoor wreaths which have lights wound around them.  We put up our outdoor lights, including the window wreaths, near St. Lucy's feast day each year.  The name Lucy means "light," so we turn on the outdoor Christmas lights on this day for this reason.

Cecilia and Caroline blew out the candles and then we sliced the bread and had it with scrambled eggs for breakfast!

And where was our own little Lucy, whose very namesake we were so busy commemorating?

Still asleep!!  And this never happens; when I get up, she wakes up (as you can see, she sleeps in our bed with hubby and me).  I guess it is because I got up earlier than usual so I could get the  bread ready and take photos before Chris left for work.

She was out!!  So precious, and seeing her sweet sleeping face is one thing I love about her sleeping with us.  All too soon, she'll be off in a big girl bed and room like the other two!

Here she is, joining the fun late and having her own St. Lucy's bread!  It will be another year or so before she can truly take an active part in her nameday celebration!

Later, I found our little wooden peg St. Lucy doing a balancing act on the knife...

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