Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sophia's Baptism!

This year, I became a godmother for the first time - twice!  Chris and I became godparents of my brother's daughter in January, and this fall, my best friend from high school, Karen, asked me to be their new baby's godmother!

They live in Jacksonville, Florida, and we had visited them briefly in August when we were there at the beach, but we'd not yet met Sophia, as she was just a few weeks old and still in the NICU since she'd been born about eight weeks premature.  

The baptism began in the narthex after Sunday Mass - October 21st.  An old friend of Jason's (Karen's husband) was the godfather.

Here we are at the baptismal font.

Caroline was excited that father asked her to hold the book for him!

Anointing Sophia with chrism... such a wonderful scent it has!!  I just love baptisms!

Happy mommy and baby!

We ended the ceremony by walking up to the altar, and afterwards, we took some photos... Jason, Karen, and Sophia

Godparent photo

Reception time!!!  There was lots of yummy food - dips and chips and crackers, lunch meats and cheeses and rolls, punch, and of course... 

the baptism cake from Publix!!  Yum.  If I have any more babies myself, there is *supposed* to be a Publix in town by then, ha ha!!

Our family was staying at a nearby hotel... we visited my grandparents on Saturday and had dinner with Karen and other out of town family on Friday and Saturday evenings.  On Sunday, Lucy and I helped get some of the food prep done before Mass.

Here's Lucy with one of Sophia's stuffed animals

Caroline with her godmother, and now her "godsister" as well!

Look at all those girls, ha ha!!

God bless you, Sophia Vivian!!!

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