Friday, June 08, 2012

End of School Year Celebration!

We finished the school year in the last full month of May... on our 179th day of school, we had an end of the year gathering with some other homeschooling families!

We started off with frozen yogurt at Jandy's.  Caroline was amazed when I told her she could choose whatever toppings she wanted!  So she got about seven toppings.  Cecilia just went for colored sprinkles.

Then we went to the fountains downtown.  These fountains are incredible... in addition to the huge one you see in the background, there are several smaller ones all around it...

...and then there are three "rivers," which the kids can wade in.

I even took Lucy in one of the very shallow rivers, and she loved it!  No photos of that though, since I couldn't hold onto her in the water while also taking pictures!


  1. hello from your newest follower! Love your blog, just found it from the MaterAmabilis Yahoo group. Love your girls' names and they are so cute. My blog is woefully out of date, but hoping to get our school work up this week!

    Megan at

  2. My blog is way out of date as well! I am also hoping to update it sometime soon. I'll check out your blog. Nice to "see" you here!
