Friday, May 11, 2012

Daybook for May 9

So, started this on Wednesday... took a bit to get it finished, photos, uploaded, etc!

Been awhile since I've done one of these, but they are a nice way to summarize what's been going on so I can have it to look back on!

Outside my window... it is dark and surprisingly cool.  The rain must have brought some cooler air with it.

I am thinking... about school for next year.  I have some rough plans.  There is an informal group of homeschoolers who plan to meet one evening in the next few weeks to discuss curriculum and extra-curricular activities for our kids.  Maybe we can get a bigger nature club started.  Or a poetry club would be fun, where kids who have memorized poems can recite them in front of an "audience" and then have a reception-type part with yummy refreshments.  So anyway, the meeting will be in the evening at Chick-fil-A, and I'm hoping that if I go, Lucy won't be too crabby that I'm keeping her out late.

I am wondering... if we'll really finish up the school year by the end of May.  I am hoping so, and then we can take off at least 4-6 weeks before starting 2nd grade.  I'm planning to do an end-of-the-year "party" by going to the fountains and then to our local frozen yogurt shop to celebrate... maybe I can get a few other homeschooling families to join our celebration!

I am praying... for lots of things.  Lucy's snotty nose.  That the government won't really force Catholic businesses to give birth control to employees.  That people will stop confusing moral beliefs with hatred.  

I am thankful... for getting to attend the La Leche League of Georgia parenting and breastfeeding conference.  I always come home feeling refreshed and recharged, ready to apply what I've learned to help moms.  Another Leader in his region of the state had the idea of holding chapter meetings in which the three Groups in this region get together, maybe quarterly, to discuss challenges and issues unique to our area (like the lack of meeting attendance, something the metro area doesn't struggle with much, but our more rural areas sure do!).  I am really looking forward to this, although not looking forward to potentially far drives with Lucy, who still hates the car.  At the conference, I also gained some new information on lip-ties... and Lucy has one, a pretty big one, too, which may be part of why she's gained weight so slowly.  Thankful that it hasn't caused me pain (although if it had, perhaps I'd have checked for it sooner!).  And speaking of her weight, I'll get her weighed next week when I take the girls on Wednesday for their yearly check-ups.  Please say a prayer that all is well on that front... and for my sanity, as typing this has me realizing what a busy couple of weeks we have ahead: back-to-back LLL meetings followed by taking all three to the doctor's office just to kick off next week!  Then recital practice, a going away party, and a ballet recital, plus cleaning the house before family arrives for the recital... makes me tired thinking about it!

Lucy enjoys the LLL conference

I am hearing... Lucy breathing as she sleeps on me.  I guess one day I'll have to actually start putting her to bed...

Learning at home... finishing up the year!  Caroline completed Math U See's Beta program, so we've moved into the 2nd grade book now.  We just made a fact file on red tail hawks, as we've been enjoying watching the eggs hatch on the hawk cam.  I want to finish up a few books in these last weeks... The Burgess Bird Book, James Herriot's Treasury for Children, and Among the People.

From the kitchen... made a Trader Joe's run on Sunday.  The LLL conference was in Athens and I'd planned initially to stop at the Trader Joe's there since they have one now, but then we stopped in Atlanta to go to Mass with my parents, so we went to the TJ's by their house.  So we've had some basic stuff from there so  wouldn't have to go grocery shopping til next weekend.  And today we made carrot cake muffins for Caroline's last day of PSR party.  We also made some kamut-cranberry trail mix so she'd have something to take to her teachers as an end of the year gift... last minute decision on my forgetful part!

I am reading... CCL's most recent magazine, and some history books to Caroline - we're on Abe Lincoln on her timeline.

To live the liturgical year... we celebrated the Pope's birthday a bit late... I made a German chocolate cake and Chris grilled bratwurst!  We're using the Garden of the Good Shepherd sticker calendar to count the days of Easter.  Maybe we'll do something for the ascension next week... these things have kinda fallen by the wayside this year. :(

German chocolate cake

One of my favorite things... my new ceramic travel mug!  It says "got breastmilk?" on it!

I am creating... a 2nd grade schedule.  And not much else.  Although I do need to refill and stuff a beanbag Lucy got ahold of.  FYI: baby slobber goes through fabric, and dry beans react to just the slightest bit of moisture... 'nuff said.

Around the house... uh, let's not even think about this one, because I don't think I've dusted since before Lucy's birth, and the only reason the tub and shower ever get clean is because Chris does that.  Although I have implemented  chore chart for both Caroline and Cecilia, which is going pretty well, although I need to remind/monitor Cecilia on it better than I do.  And I did finally get the winter clothes swapped out for summer clothes and my maternity clothes put away (if you loaned me maternity clothes and want them back, please let me know!).  Now to deal with the clothing boxes all over our extra bedroom... don't know that we should put them away completely because Cecilia might need those same jeans in the fall, and Caroline will still fit in all her long sleeves again this coming fall...

A few plans for the rest of the week... two more school days this week.  On Friday, a friend is coming over to get help with her baby sling and to take dinner home with her - she had her second baby a couple weeks ago.  Then I need to do some planning... back-to-back LLL meetings next week.

A picture thought I am sharing...


  1. I love reading the updates on your girls! The german cake and bratwurst for the Holy Father's birthday was just too cool! You guys are awesome! :-) I hope you have a happy Mother's Day! God bless!

  2. Mmmmm.....bratwurst.....
    Lol. Its been a long time since dinner...

  3. Melanie8:59 PM

    I am definitely in count-down mode. This time next week, the only things I will be responsible for will be working with my girls and continuing to put our house back together. Hope you can make it to the meeting this week--I know its going to be busy.

  4. yes, melanie, i'm planning to come to the meeting... it really sounds relaxing compared to the rest of the week!!
