Friday, April 06, 2012

Not So PC...

politically correct, that is.  I guess if they are actually Chinese, it's okay for them to poke fun at themselves.  I first saw this place, in Jacksonville, Florida, probably 20 years ago.  I was taken by surprise to see it is still there!  Funny stuff...

Apologies for my very intermittent blogging... and that this is the best I can do right now, ha ha!  Baby Lucy seems to be in a limbo stage of development: she wants to try to do things (and acquiring new skills constantly - babbling the "b" sound constantly, trying to pull up on furniture, and grabbing everything that gets near her, including my water bottle, which she even managed to get a sip of water through the straw!), and she gets frustrated easily.  Why can't I tear the pages of that book Mommy is reading to Caroline?  Why can't I climb over stuff yet, but I can start to and then fall over?  And why can't I get back up myself when I fall over?  Why can't U pull Mommy's placemat into her lap?  And why does Mommy always have to do stuff in the kitchen, which I am apparently tired of seeing?  At least, I am guessing these are the things she's feeling, but probably in a more primitive way, like, "I want to do it - I can't - WAAAA!"  So times are rough right now.  But I assume the frustration of one stage is what helps boost babies into the next phase of developmental accomplishments at this age.  While I highly doubt that a three month old can experience boredom and this type of frustration, I think a six month old can.

So anyway, I don't get much blogging done.  And really not much more than basic schooling with Caroline.  It's a better-than-expected day if I can read just one whole book to Cecilia, and it's a miracle if I can do that plus one chore, like cleaning the bathroom sinks. And seeing other people's blogs or hearing about other people's lives and what they are able to accomplish is depressing to me at first, but then I take a step back and think that I can always do more elaborate things - and blog about them too so we have the memories recorded! - when I don't have a baby.  Maybe when I have an 18 month old, or two year old... I won't have a baby to hold and nurse forever, but I will have many years with older children to do special things, and even if there is another baby with older kids, then they can do some of the fun stuff themselves.  And maybe they can even take photos so I'll remember it years later!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Henry is just now to the point where he will (usually) cooperate a bit for me and play happily for a while...of course, another baby is coming through the ranks, lol.
