Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2012

On Holy Thursday, we had our Lenten teatime meal as lunch with our friends.  For the original idea and menu at Cottage Blessings, click here.  My kids love these teas, and it helps them to remember the story.  This one begins with Jesus entering the city on Palm Sunday and continues through Peter's denial.

Represented in this picture - not in the order as they appear in the Bible - we have the costly oil used to anoint Jesus's feet (olive oil), Peter's tears of remorse (Tic Tacs), "before the cock crows twice (chicken salad tea sandwiches)," unleavened bread as part of the Last Supper meal (pita bread), Gethsemane figs (our favorite fig bars), the Mount of Olives where Jesus went to pray (mound of black olives), and thirty pieces of silver which Judas received for betraying Jesus (30 rounds of cheeses, cut with a small biscuit cutter). 

And in this photo... "you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven (whipped cream)," the palms on the road into Jerusalem (heart of palm sliced on bread, with ketchup on it), and Judas's kiss of betrayal (strawberries and Hershey Kisses... we had both, so used both!).

I read from the Bible as the kids ate, and we pointed out each food and what it represented as it came up in the passages read.  I was reading from the book of Mark, chapter 14.  The little signs on each food were printed from Shower of Roses, and then Caroline cut them out and taped them to toothpicks to stick in the food.

On Good Friday morning, I had to go to a doctor's appointment.  My awesome husband stayed home with the older two and made dough for our favorite whole grain hot cross buns recipe, which was rising when I got home!!  So later in the day, Caroline and Cecilia helped me make the dough into buns.  Apparently I didn't take any photos of the process, but each of them held up a finished pan for a photo after adding the crosses.  

These are so, so good with black tea... Earl Grey or Irish breakfast tea are my favorites.

We also read the Passion from the book of John and used our homemade figures to act it out.  And for our dinner on Good Friday, we had the second Lenten Tea menu, but I didn't take any photos.

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed with your husband's skill. John panicks if he has to do more than microwave burritos for lunch, God love him.:)
