Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter 2012 in Pictures

This year's Easter baskets - chocolate crosses, Reese's eggs, Trader Joe's jelly beans, Catholic stickers (from the Dollar Tree!), sidewalk chalk, and new books

Cecilia's basket

Caroline's basket (was my mom's first!)

Lucy's basket - I always have a hard time finding a basket for each kid... they can't all share the awesome hand-me-down.  Got this one at Target.  Yes, Lucy got nothing for Easter - I'm so mean to not give a six month old candy.  Hey, I bought her a Sophie the Giraffe on eBay the other day (it was used), that counts, right?  It's just too late for it to be in her basket Easter morning, but I'm sure it'll arrive before Pentecost and she'll never know the difference... poor third-born, hee hee.

Resurrection rolls... the empty tomb.  Excuse Caroline's bangs; they are growing out right now...

Cecilia is the one who helped me make them the day before.

After Easter Mass in the prayer garden outside our church

Cecilia poses by our Lent/Easter figure scene... we re-enacted Good Friday with it, and this morning Jesus had risen from the tomb!

This post has close-ups of the figures.

And now for an endless stream of cute baby pics... it's my blog, so I can brag about how cute I think she is all I want, right?

My mom made this dress and bonnet.  For me.  32 years ago!!  It is still in beautiful shape.  I wore it for my first Easter, and Caroline wore it for her second Easter (since she was only 6 days old on her first Easter!).  I thought Cecilia wore it for Easter too, but I looked back at pics and she didn't - boo.  She did get professional portraits made in it at about 8 month, though.  So, Lucy and I are the only ones who wore it on our first Easters.

Click to see a close-up... the smocking on the bonnet matches the smocking on the dress.  I want my mom to start smocking again!!

not real eggs...

anyone know how to get stiff drooled-on ribbon clean without putting it through the washer??

hunting for eggs... one of the most low-action events in our family.  My kids have to be encouraged greatly to actually LOOK for the eggs.  They seem to expect them to just jump out into their baskets, it seems!

back of the bonnet... so cute!!

more egg-hunting

opening the resurrection eggs and retelling the story

The girls and I made nest treats on Saturday... complete with "puff birds."  We made another batch with blue candy melts, and they were prettier...

Cecilia shook up a baggie of coconut and a couple drops of green food coloring for the Easter grass in the blue nests.

Then she filled them with candy "eggs."  Notice her chocolate-covered face?

the finished nests... pretty and yummy!

Sure, this might look all festive, but really it's a big fail.  The reason I had to make this is because I actually began dyeing the eggs before I hard-boiled them - duh.  So, I remembered that to make Easter Nest bread, you use uncooked dyed eggs.  So... I took some of the resurrection roll dough and quickly made this.  It sat uncooked in the fridge and then we cooked it on Sunday.  We had plenty to eat, so we didn't even have this with our dinner really, but the eggs did cook in the oven - very cool.  And even though I started heating the oven both while the resurrection roll dough was rising AND the next day when this was rising, I didn't kill the bread - or set the oven on fire.

random "legless baby" shot

She did this to herself, I swear.

We all laughed and watched.  

And then she finally got it off by herself.

My parents and brother Tim came for Easter dinner, of which I ate entirely too much.  


  1. I noticed Lucy's adorable bonnet first thing, and then when you showed the pictures with details! And I heard the dress's history! LOVE IT!

  2. So sweet, I love the dress....also jealous of the catholic dollar tree stickers everyone but us finds!
