Friday, February 17, 2012

More Christmas!

I am so behind on my photos... eventually I'll gt to Epiphany, Cecilia's birthday, and Caroline's ballet recital!!  Here are pictures from Christmas with Chris's side of the family, which we had at our house on December 30th.  I love the picture of the cousins above, like they're discussing some all-important kid business!

We had a bunch of finger foods and snacks at lunchtime, and later we had a big dinner with a roast, mashed potatoes, roasted brussels sprouts, and other stuff I can't remember at the moment since this was nearly two months ago...

Gran and the kids by the tree

a wide shot of the fun

Daddy on camcorder and baby duty... he multi-tasks better than I do!

One of my gifts arrived a few days past December 25th, so Chris labeled it "From: Slow Santa," which I thought was pretty funny.

Cecilia was excited to get some more horses for their stable!

Caroline got some as well... here they are trying to decide which horses go with which family.  This later resulted in a discussion of how I could tell which horses were the mothers and which were the fathers.  So last week, we saw some real horses and Caroline, after they'd all passed by, announced, "Those horses were all boys."  Forgetting the identification of the toy horses several weeks prior, I stupidly asked, "Oh, how do you know?" thinking she'd say something like, "They're all tall."  (She still has a hard time grasping things like how my little brother can be taller than me.)  Instead, she answered, "They all have boy parts."  Whoops.

Cecilia wearing a bow on her head... a throwback to her first Christmas (oh my goodness, who is that little baby and how did she turn into a kid so fast??)

Lucy got this adorable Noah's ark from Gran and Grandad!

Yum yum!

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