Tuesday, December 06, 2011

By the third baby...

...everything starts to wear out. This is my sling. My padded ring sling, used from Caroline's infancy, tore a few weeks ago when I was tugging on the fabric to put Lucy in it. And I had just mended some very small tears around the padded part. Thankfully I had the Maya Wrap as backup when this huge tear appeared. But the Maya has lots more fabric and no padding, which I find more difficult to use for little babies... but thankfully, my friend Beth has a Nojo sling, also padded, which she's letting me borrow temporarily so I can decide if I need to ask for another padded sling for Christmas!

And this is a tear in our sheet (next to a ridiculously adorable baby). Again, I tugged on the fabric (to make it nice and smooth), and it tore. Good thing we have four more sets of sheets!

And speaking of the bed and wearing out its ten year old linens, remember how I kinda ruined our comforter by giving birth on it? My mom insisted on buying us a new one to replace the old one she'd thrown in the garbage:

How does it look?

And a view in natural light...


  1. I hope you're able to find the NoJo sling - I had a terrible time finding one for a friend a year or two back. Babies R' Us doesn't carry them anymore (or they didn't at the time) and I had to search and search online. I did find one finally. It's my favorite also - I used one with all 4 of my babies.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I love my ergo! I started using that one when Henry was a few months old because I wanted one I could use later as aback carrier. Now I need a newborn insert for it though.

  3. i love the ergo too but don't have an infant insert... i think lucy's still too small, and she unfortunately doesn't like the tummy-to-tummy position in the sling until she is asleep... which is frustrating! i'm hoping in about two months i can start putting her on my back and she'll just chill, enjoy the ride, fall asleep...
