Saturday, October 29, 2011

Assorted Learning

Here are some of the things we've been doing school-wise in the last six weeks... in somewhat random order!

First, we've been learning that newborns like to be with Mommy, and they sleep and nurse all day. They have short periods of "quiet alert" time in which they will pose for pictures with big sisters! The baby IS the lesson!

The girls made guardian angels with markers and glitter... these are from the Seton Art 1 book. Caroline copied the Guardian Angel Prayer for copywork... this was done around the feast of the Guardian Angels in early October. We also read the book My Guardian Dear.

The feast day of the Triumph of the Cross was just a few days after Lucy was born. I read the above book to the girls, and Caroline illustrated part of the story.

Chris took the bigger girls to the Booth Western Art Museum on free museum day last month. I stayed home and cuddled the baby!

Cecilia sorted some fall pictures and completed patterns with them.

Caroline worked on a "Things I See in Church" lapbook. At some point, I'd like to arrange a tour of our church... maybe our deacon would be able to show the kids various items in the church and explain what they are. Might be a good thing to do in preparation for First Holy Communion next year!

In math, we learned what a right angle is and that "rect" means "right" in German, which is how a rectangle gets its name. We also learned that a square is a special kind of rectangle that has all sides equal. Caroline found examples in magazines and catalogs and glued them on this paper.

We did a craft to go along with the song "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," which we've been singing some in Circle Time... trying to find some preschoolish ways to involve the three year old! We made suncatchers... well as permanent crafts on paper to be filed away and kept.

The whole world craft idea came from this post on Catholic Icing.

We made fall-scented playdough... lots of cinnamon and cloves went into this, and it makes the room smell great - nice, since I doubt I'll get a chance to take out fall-scented candles this year...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the girls were having a lot of fun! I love all of the hands-on activities that you have for your girls! I love the photo of the 3 of them together. The baby looks so alert! :-)

    God bless,
