Monday, August 01, 2011

Random Bits

So I guess it is time to be really concerned about the educational institutions in this area when my six year old is correcting signs posted in public bathrooms: "Employee's must wash hands," one said. Caroline asked me, pointing to the apostrophe, "Why is that there? They don't need it there, because the employee isn't owning anything." I told her that I didn't understand it, but it seems that many people think words ending in vowels have to have apostrophes when you are talking about more than one of them. Growing up with a last name ending with the letter i made this very apparent to me... and now that my last name begins with s, it is just as bad, but in a different way. I am destined for last name errors forever, ha ha.

You know, when I go to the gym, I just swim laps in the pool. I don't "work out" on the machines. So maybe I am clueless on this, but it seems like there is certain music that does not really lend itself to being work-out music. A while back I heard "Hotel California" as I walked past the exercise machines and thought, "Hmm, that'd be interesting to run the treadmill to, I suppose..." Today, I heard "Rooster" by Alice in Chains... can anyone actually, physically manage to work out to that song? It'd be like working out to Smashing Pumpkins, or Nirvana... or something really slow and peaceful, like James Taylor. I don't think it would be physically possible! Maybe Richard Simmons can do a "Sweatin' to the Depressing Alternative Music" video and prove me wrong...

Caroline was playing with our painted saints and was making them study their specific fields... she had the priests studying "priestogy," the nuns studying "nunnogy," and the mothers studying "mommogy." "You know, it's like geography, Mommy!" she said.

So I am getting to that point in pregnancy where everybody feels the need to comment on my size... I get the, "When are you due?" and "Getting close, now, huh?" comments now. I like to watch the somewhat horrified expression on the asker's face when I respond with a smile and, "Six more weeks!" Apparently they don't think six weeks is "getting close" at all! And, well, neither do I, really... sure, it feels like I must have more than one baby in there, but anyone who comments with, "Are you sure you're not having twins?" is just rude. Haven't gotten that comment yet this time...

I notice the baby image on my pregnancy ticker is now head-down. I think this little one is, too... she had hiccups for the first time, and they were down pretty low. My others had hiccups non-stop. This one has had them twice that I have noticed. Maybe that's good? I don't know...

I am making fig-filled granola bars as I type... okay, I am not really that good at multi-tasking; I already made them and they are in the oven. Our fig tree is going nuts, so I took some figs to a friend (several friends now, actually!), and she came up with this recipe based on a fruit-filled granola bar recipe. Smells great, and I hope it turns out well for me!

Speaking of baking, I am having a slight bit of nesting instinct, wanting to bake more and such, but I am also physically not too comfortable with back pain and sore feet, especially by the end of the day. My mom was going to buy me some really nice, comfortable, cushioned shoes... she has a SAS store right down the street from her house and bought herself some before she did a bunch of walking on a recent trip to Italy. Well, we got there, and they were closed. Boo. Sore feet to continue for me. I wore her pair all day at a conference last weekend, and I could definitely tell the difference. Then again, buying shoes during pregnancy may ensure that they are too big postpartum... aren't you not supposed to do that, like you're not supposed to get eye exams during pregnancy???

Maybe I have mentioned this before... Cecilia has nicknamed the baby "lump baby." Yes, she has a real name.. well, uh, almost, that is...

Anyway, on the slight nesting... I have a few lists I really need to tackle, too. I have a "before baby comes" list, a homeschool to-do list, a pack for the hospital list (that one's still in my head and not on paper)... and then the around-the-house stuff I'd like to get done (or The List Formerly Known as Spring Cleaning... oops).


  1. sandra10:30 AM

    i think maybe the south has a love affair with apostrophes. there is a, hmmm, gathering place?? joint?? not sure what to call it. the name is bad habit's. you'll see it on the way here just before the starlight club.

  2. You look beautiful!!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    You look great!

  4. Aww, thanks, Carrie and Charlotte! I definitely feel a lot bulkier than I look in the photo! ;)

  5. Erin,
    You look fabulous! Coming down to the last leg of pregnancy. Can't wait to hear the happy news.
