Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Noah's Ark

We are studying Old Testament stories this year, as well as doing My First Timeline, which gives a very basic introduction to several historical figures and where they fit chronologically into history. It happened to work out perfectly that Noah was our story both in the Old Testament and on the timeline during the same week! We spent some extra time on these activities relating to the story of Noah and the flood:

Noah's Ark Snack

one tortilla, cut in half
melted butter
cinnamon sugar
graham crackers, one whole and one cut in half diagonally
animal crackers

I spread the tortilla halves with butter and then sprinkled on a bot of cinnamon and sugar. Then I put them in the oven for a few minutes to get them a little toasted. Next, the kids placed the graham crackers on top of the "boat" and then arranged some animal crackers (my favorite ones from Trader Joe's!!) however they wanted in their arks.

They used a few bunny crackers as well...

Then they ate them up!

Yummy and simple!

We also made a mural of Noah's ark using this Jan Brett resource. First, we did a watercolor wash on the background and let it dry.

Here's how it looked after the girls colored all the animal pairs and taped them to the mural!

We also read several books about Noah's Ark over the course of a couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow!!! The mural is adorable! The girls look so proud of themselves in the picture. And seriously, I want to come to your house for some of these yummy sancks!
