Friday, June 24, 2011

Z is for St. Zita and Zinnia Fairy!

Z was our final week of the Alphabet Path - and I am finally getting around to posting photos, which means next, I will be able to post photos of our End of the Alphabet Path Party!!!

Above are out themes from the week, all of which went into the word box, as usual.

Our Y poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet.

~Foods for Z Week~

We had zucchini and eggplant Casserole and baked ziti (which was really penne - shhh, don't tell!;)

~Circle Time~

Songs and Rhymes
Mama's Taking us to the Zoo Tomorrow

We also read a lot of different alphabet books, and we read books about the zoo this week. We considered going to the zoo... but the zoos are all so far away, and it was so hot this week!

~Letter Formation~

Playdough Z

writing Z's in cornmeal

Cut and Paste Z Collage

We continued doing Punch Out the Letter each week, but I didn't get photos of most of the letters towards the end of the alphabet!

~Flower Fairy for Letter Z: Zinnia~

Caroline's Zinnia flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

~Saint for Letter X: St. Zita~

our painted St. Zita

Caroline does her St. Zita copywork

Finished X copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustration

~Picture Study: Z is for Zigzag~

Caroline drew her own version of Yatsuhashi (The Bridge of Eight Parts) in Mikawa by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai. The bridge is certainly an example of a zigzag!

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Zeal~

My drawing for zeal shows a boy reading the Bible and having other various Catholic resources next to him on the bench, and he is thinking about how this is preparing him for his First Holy Communion. I decided that zeal is a hard virtue to illustrate, particularly for a child! I could have drawn a missionary, but that would have been an adult... so this was the best i could come up with!

I was asked if I could make these drawing available, so I have uploaded them to Google Docs. I also discovered that the originals which I had been using (and had run out at letter O) have actually been updated, and P-T can be found here. My drawings, P-Z (excluding X), can be found here:

And more on zeal...

Caroline's copywork from
God's Alphabet - the last poem in the book!

~Movement Activity~

Z is for zigzag!! I taped this pathway on the floor and the girls followed it by traveling in different ways and at different speeds.

Hope to post our end of the year party pictures soon! Also, we did make zucchini bread for our Z cooking project, and if I can find those photos I will add them later!


  1. I so love reading your posts! Your ideas are so creative and look so much fun! I'd love to hire you as a consultant to our homeschool! lol.

    I have given you the "Versatile Blogger Award!" Visit my blog at for details. Congratulations! I hope you have a blessed Sunday! :-)))

  2. Aw, thanks, Lisa, for the award and the complement! I would love to work as a homeschool consultant, lol... I love to plan and organize things, but my own follow-through and motivation isn't always so great, so that job would be a good fit for my personality!

  3. Super Mom! Love your beautiful blog. We had three girls first (now 24, 19 and 17, youngest of that trilogy just graduated home schooling) So nice...blessings to all.

  4. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for giving us the last of those virtue alphabet pages. I was in a quandry what to do if the blogger of the last series never finished...I cannot draw. Can. Not. Draw.
