Monday, June 13, 2011

X is for St. Francis Xavier, Y is for St. Joseph Yuen!

X and Y weeks are combined, as there is no flower beginning with X... These are out themes from the week, all of which went into the word box, as usual.

Our Y poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet. Looks like I didn't get a photo of the X poems.

~Foods for X/Y Week~

Uh, not many foods beginning with these letters! I don't think we ate anything with these letters at all!

We also didn't have much in the way of Circle Time songs and rhymes beginning with these letters...

~Letter Formation~

writing X's in cornmeal

Playdough X

Playdough Y

Cut and Paste X Collage

Cut and Paste Y Collage

We have still been doing Punch out the Letter, but I haven't been getting photos of it lately!

~X is for eXperiments~

We did a few weather-related experiments, covering both the weather science theme of W week with the experiment theme for X week. In this one, we made a tornado in a jar.

You can sort of see it in this photo: the water forms a funnel which looks like a tornado.

We also used blue water in a jar, a bag of ice, and a match to make fog...

Caroline observes the "fog." As long as the bag of ice stayed on top of the jar, we could still see smoke from the match (which was dropped, lit, into the jar of water). We found these experiments on this website.

~Flower Fairy for Letter Y: Yellow Deadnettle~

Caroline's Yellow Deadnettle flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

~Saint for Letter X: St. Francis Xavier~

~Saint for Letter Y: St. Joseph Yuen~

his back

Finished X copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustration

Finished Y copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustration

~Picture Study: X is for X!~

There were four pieces of art in which a large X shape was prominent... Caroline illustrated this one, which includes a windmill. It is called January by Franz M. Melchers.

~Picture Study: Y is for Yellow~

This painting had a lot of yellow in the sunset, and it was done in watercolors... so for a change of pace, we broke out some watercolors ourselves for Caroline to use in her illustration!

The painting is City and Sunset by Henry Farrer.

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Yield~

We talked about yielding to God's will, how Mary did this when she said, "Let it be done to me according to thy word," at the annunciation. We also discussed how when kids do as their parents ask (even when they don't want to do it), then they are saying "Yes" to God's will, which is for them to respect and obey their parents.

I was asked recently if I could make these drawing available, so I have uploaded them to Google Docs. I also discovered that the originals which I had been using (and had run out at letter O) have actually been updated, and P-T can be found here. My drawings, P-Z (excluding X), can be found here:

And more on yielding...

Caroline's copywork from

~Cooking Project: Y is for Yummy Brownies~

The girls unwrap baker's chocolate for the brownies... Yes, lame that I used the word "yummy" to make it relate to Y... but yes, they were very yummy!


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