Wednesday, April 06, 2011

R is for St. Rose, Ragged Robin Fairy, and Rosary!

Here are some photos from R week... we are now on U/V week. Some of the last weeks seem a little "bare" compared to weeks earlier in the school year... we were losing steam due to first trimester tiredness and just that January/February drag that seems to happen in school, whether homeschool or otherwise... but we just attended a Catholic homeschooling conference to re-energize us to finish this year up, and I am well into planning for first grade now!

Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.

And apparently, I did not take a photo of our R poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet.

~Circle Time~

For R show and tell, Caroline brought a ribbon and her backpack, which has a robin on it, she says. Cecilia brought... a duck. ;)

Songs and Rhymes
Robin Redbreast
I've Been Working on the Railroad
Ring Around the Rosy
Rock a Bye Baby
Row, Row, Row Your Boat

~Foods for R Week~

ravioli - butternut squash ravioli, my favorite!

roast... pot roast, that is.

My mom used to make this meal frequently: pot roast, mashed potatoes, and black eyed peas, and gravy... my brothers and I used to mix the whole thing together on our plates until it was a huge mixture of... well, it didn't look appetizing, but it tasted great!

Rocky Top Chicken (or Alice Springs Chicken, depending on which restaurant recipe you are copying!)

risotto - butternut squash risotto, yum! Too bad the girls don't really care for it...

We also had rotini pasta, eggplant ratatouille, and red beans and rice!

~Letter Formation~

writing R's in cornmeal

Cut and paste R collage

Punch Out the Letter - Capital and Lowercase Rr

~Flower Fairy for Letter R: Ragged Robin~

Caroline's Ragged Robin flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

~Saint for Letter R: St. Rose~

Painted St. Rose

Caroline works on a St. Rose illustration

Finished copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustration

~Picture Study: R is for Rose~

Caroline illustrating one of the paintings from ABC Museum

The picture was Young Lady with a Rose, and personally, I don't think she looks very young nor does she look very feminine, either! Not that I am qualified to judge the artwork in the met Museum...

~Craft for R Week - Rainbow Collages~

The girls tore up bits of construction paper in the colors of a rainbow...

...then they glued them down in the shape of a rainbow. Cecilia needed some guidance, but Caroline did it all on her own. But that new clear Elmer's glue - it's awful! In fact, all Elmer's glue seems awful lately.. the clear kind is too runny, and the "school glue" is too thick. Not what I remember about using glue as a child, because now I have more trouble with glue now than I did as a kid! Maybe it's just me...

The finished rainbows, seen above the semi-ugly wallpaper border that goes above the chair rail in our schoolroom... the only walls we didn't redo after moving into this house because the wallpaper was in such good shape.

~R is for Rosary~

God's Alphabet Poem: O is for Offering

Caroline's copywork from the R poem in God's Alphabet

She did these two rosary activities as well.

~Cooking Project: R is for Rice Crispie Treat Ice Cream Sandwiches~

We actually use puffed brown rice cereal, so they aren't crispy... but they are still very good!

Messy, too!

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