Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Short and Sweet Article on Infant Sleep

Now that we will have a new baby joining us on the outside in September, I am sure I will get to hear that typical question beginning pretty soon after the baby is born: "Is he/she a good sleeper?" Or the other most common question of, "Is he/she sleeping through the night yet?" Ah, if only it was common knowledge that babies are not supposed to sleep through the night, and "good" sleep for a baby does not mean that he sleeps in long stretches, uninterrupted, like an adult or a much older child sleeps.

So, if you have a baby or toddler or preschooler who does not "sleep through the night," then don't let the question get you down! Remind yourself, "My baby is NORMAL! And that is a good thing!"

Here's the article. Of course, it's by James McKenna - who else? ;)


  1. Great article. I sent it to my sister who is pregnant with her first baby(ies)!! Yes, twins!!

  2. Twins, how exciting!! And probably overwhelming too, having not been through babyhood with a single baby before! I hope she has lots of good support who will help out, and congrats to her!

  3. Loved the read. And the blog. I think I've seen this blog once before but I bookmarked it this time.
    Unfortunately I started reading random posts and ended up on the one about the Chad and Sara story. NOT a good thing to read pregnant! Tons of tears and sobbing.
    LOVE that blog though.
