Saturday, March 12, 2011

Introducing.... number three!!!

I figured it was about time to formally announce that we will have a new baby born into this world in mid-September! I have been dropping hints here and there, and our families and close friends were already told weeks ago... months ago? I have been to the doctor twice... I was really wanting a homebirth, but unfortunately, it costs $3000! Our insurance is very good and makes a hospital birth a much more affordable option. I'll just plan to go in at the last minute (as usual, ha!).

At this past week's appointment, the heartbeat was 150something beats per minute. I have been feeling faint movements since week nine or ten! I know that is really early, and the Baby Centers of the world will tell you that mothers cannot feel the baby moving until at least 15-16 weeks, but they also mention that movement may be easier to notice if it is not your first pregnancy and if you are "slender." Now, I wouldn't really call myself "slender," but I did lose weight - down to a pound or two less than when I got pregnant the first time. In the first pregnancy, I didn't notice a feeling of movement until sometime in the 17th week. This baby makes him/herself known with small swishes and tiny taps. :)

At first, I had a pretty strong feeling that this is a boy. Then, in the past week or so, I have been having second thoughts. So... no idea. We will find out in five weeks when we go back to the OB. At that point, I will be in the 18th week. Right now, I am at the end of the 13th week.

No "morning sickness," but indigestion and general aversion to food for several weeks. I certainly have more of an appetite lately, so perhaps we'll start to see the poundage slide up by the next appointment. I have never gained weight in the first 14 weeks, but I haven't thrown up any, either. Breakfast was just undesirable for awhile. Working on eating plenty of protein now...

We have not told the girls yet and will do so sometime in the next couple weeks before the next appointment, when we will take them to see the ultrasound and find out if they have a brother or a sister! So, if you see them, don't spill the beans just yet! ;)

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name.



  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm SO excited for you guys...AND...I think I caught a hint weeks back and commented/joked about I feel excited!! hehe!!

    Praying with you over this tiny miracle inside you. Stay WELL and get rest!

    Bless you guys!!

  2. what joyous news. congratulations and blessings.

  3. Congrats!!!!!! Sorry you can't get the homebirth you want. Can't wait to hear if its a boy or a girl!

  4. Congratulations, Erin!!

  5. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. I'm ashamed to say that I totally missed your hints. I guess I'm just preoccupied.

  6. Anonymous9:20 PM



  7. Wonderful news!! So happy for you!!

  8. Many many congratulations!

  9. Look at peanut #3!!! Congrats!!!
