Tuesday, January 04, 2011

More Family Christmas!

We went to see Chris's side of the family for the day last week so we could see everybody and exchange gifts. Here's some shots from our day... Cecilia with her Uncle John in the photo above.

My nephew Andrew

Caroline and Cecilia got baby dolls with slings from Great Granny, along with blankets she had knitted for them.

Gran knitted Caroline this pretty scarf!

Andrew got a fire truck and ambulance

Cecilia with her baby doll

Cecilia needed some prodding to open all her presents... almost everything was unwrapped when i realized she still had three gifts in her pile, ha ha!

Caroline checks out her Aunt Sara and cousin John's gift

Lincoln Logs from Daddy's Uncle Larry and Aunt Shirley... Caroline has been having fun trying to follow the directions to build the picture on the box!

I help Cecilia with a gift

Andrew and Cecilia work on Cecilia's latch board - she really likes this, and so does Andrew, apparently!

Chris holding his nephew for the first time!

We had lots of fun eating snacks and lunch and opening gifts together!

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