Sunday, January 16, 2011

L is for Lily of the Valley, St. Lucy, and Ladybugs!

Our first week after a long Christmas break found us on the letter L - it was nice to get back in our routine!

Here are our themes for the week, all of which went into the Word Box, as usual.

Our L poems for the week from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and God's Alphabet

~Work Activities~

Lots of L activities this week! Cecilia had her latch board and some lacing cards and beads, along with a letter puzzle.

Caroline had several letter puzzles, including this one.

Caroline works on a Ladybug Lacer.

I made Caroline some landform matching cards - it is a spatial activity in which you match the opposites - for instance, a strait is the opposite of an isthmus. I never thought of that before, but it is a neat Montessori activity I found.

Cecilia works with the lids - various bottles and lids to try to match up.

Caroline works on some lacing cards.

~Circle Time~

Caroline and Cecilia brought some stuffed a lid and a stuffed lion for Show and Tell. There were dried lima beans in the mystery sound pouch this week.

Songs and Rhymes
Ladybird, Ladybird
Little Jack Horner
Lucy Locket
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Five Little Ladybugs

~Foods for L Week~

Lentil cheese oat bake
(it was better than it sounds, but still not something I'd make regularly!)

Macaroni and cheese with leeks in it, and lima beans

Red Lobster (although nobody ate lobster, unless it was in Chris's stuffed flounder)

ladybug rice cake snack

ladybug apple snack

They dipped raisins into peanut butter...

...and stuck them to the apple for spots, and to a half of a large marshmallow for the eyes.

They were supposed to have pretzel stick antennae ("antlers," as Caroline might still say) and legs, but all we had were grid pretzels, and they didn't break into sticks so well...

We didn't get around to doing tea time this week...

~Letter Formation~

forming letter Ll using playdough

writing L's in cornmeal

Grey block letter paper Ls, and some Ks too since we didn't do them the week before and K is a tricky letter, in my opinion.

Cut and Paste L Collage

Punch Out the Letter - Capital and Lowercase Ll

~Flower Fairy for Letter L: Lily of the Valley~

Caroline coloring her flower fairy page from the Flower Fairies coloring book

Caroline's completed Lily of the Valley

~Saint for Letter L: St. Lucy~

painted St. Lucy - we just used the one we made for St. Lucy's day

Copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints and illustrating St. Lucy

completed copywork

Illustrating St. Lucy

~In the Book Baskets~

~Picture Study: L is for Light~

Caroline's work next to the original - she did a close-up of the house with the lights on in the windows from this painting, Grant Wood's The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

~ABC Virtue of the Week: Listen~

These are virtue coloring sheets found here. Using the great idea of another Catholic homeschooling mom, I am reading Caroline a relevant story from this sweet little book full of stories with morals to them. This week's story was about a girl listening to what her parents asked her to do, and how it relates to listening to what Jesus wants us to do and doing it for Him, even if it is something we would rather not do.

~God's Alphabet Poem: L is for Love~

Caroline's copywork from the L poem in God's Alphabet

~Activities for L Week~

St. Lucy paper doll

building with Lincoln Logs

Ladybug Math

I painted some dry lima beans red, and Caroline and I turned them into ladybugs using a black Sharpie.

I cut out two leaves from construction paper, and then we made up various addition and subtraction problems using the ladybugs, giving Caroline an introduction to writing math problems.

If you know us well, you may notice these pictures were taken in our bathroom... Cecilia had a bit of a stomach bug and had to be put into the bathtub... but school still went on!

Little Bear Lapbook

Caroline (wearing dress-up clothes) working on the cover of her lapbook, made by gluing various images of Little Bear on it.

She did a sequence of events for the book A Kiss for Little Bear. She also made a few mini-books about cats, chickens, and skunks, since those are some of the characters in the book. I found a lot of this here.

Listening Walk

We walked around the neighborhood and were silent,listening to sounds we noticed: snow melting, ice crunching under our feet, the mail truck, a dog barking...

L is for Lobsters!

We went to Red Lobster for Daddy's birthday!

looking at the lobsters

L is for Loft!!

Caroline got a loft bed! Now Cecilia can sleep on her old bed underneath, and there is more space in the room. It's officially "the girls' room" now instead of just "Caroline's room."

~Cooking Project: L is for Lemon Barley Scones~

Apparently I deleted all the photos of Caroline making the scones... I was getting some photos off the memory card, and they are all gone now - oops. We tried to recover them, and although we found deleted photos from Christmas, the scone-making pictures were gone. :(

~Chores/Practical Life: L is for Laundry~

hanging wet laundry to dry

sorting and folding laundry


  1. Are you recording all these activities anywhere? For future kids? You are so organized!
    OT: heading to Mellow Mushroom this week? We got takeout tonight and Corey said it was, of course, CRAZY!

  2. Yeah, recording all the ideas here on the blog is how I hope to be able to look back and do basically the same thing with Cecilia in a few years (and with child number three a few years after that! ;)

    Yes, we're going to Mellow Mushroom on Friday - but NOT the new one here in Rome, ha ha - isn't that bad of me to not support my local economy? We'll be going to Chattanooga for an M week trip to the museum, and we'll do Mellow Mushroom there afterwards for lunch!

  3. Erin,
    What a fun week. Last week we covered Geography for Gg week and couldn't figure out where to fit in the landform cards. Well guess what we're doing for Ll week. I also love the dress up costume for school. We school many a days with costumes.
