Monday, January 31, 2011

Cecilia's Third Birthday!

Cecilia is three! I can't believe it!

She has been saying for months that she wanted "a candle cake" for her birthday. When I asked further clarifying questions, I discovered that this meant she wanted a cake shaped like a candle. I convinced her to want one shaped like a "candle shaped like a three," since otherwise we'd just have one long, skinny cake incapable of fitting on any serving platters I own! So no, this is not a cake shaped like three, but a cake shaped like a birthday candle three. ;)

We had BBQ pork sandwiches and some sides for lunch.

Cecilia opening gifts

magnetic shapes board from Gran and Grandad

dress-up clothes from Gramma and Grampa

enough to share with Caroline!

a slide whistle from Uncle Mike, Aunt Crystal, and Julianne... I love how CC is looking at Uncle Mike in this photo!

unwrapping some play felt food (cookies and cake!) from Mommy and Daddy

and unwrapping her very own (washable!) markers, so she will stop wearing out Caroline's school markers!

Cecilia's gift from Caroline: she traced and colored a picture for her from her Fairy Tracing and Design kit that she got for Christmas! I put it in a frame and we plan to hang it by Cecilia's bed.

Cousin Julianne became the earliest walker in the family a couple weeks ago... at a couple weeks before ten months, she began walking alone! The only pictures I got of her were by this table... when I tried to get a shot of her walking out in the open, she was around the corner before I could snap the picture! She beats my brother Tim as the first walker by a few weeks, and Caroline (who walked right at 11 months) by about a month and a half!

Cecilia with her cake

My mom got this awesome picture on her camera!

It was a basic butter cake with strawberry icing... Cecilia said she wanted a "white vanilla cake" with strawberry frosting. It was good... as Mike commented, the cake part tasted like a sugar cookie.

To end the party, the girls did lots of playing outside with their grandparents. Cecilia got this new "big girl" swing as a gift from Mommy and Daddy so she and Caroline could swing together! My dad captured this last photo.

Happy Birthday, Cecilia!! You are growing up so quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Cecilia! I cannot believe 3 years have passed. Time sure does fly, doesn't it? The pictures are wonderful. I am so glad that she had such a great birthday. May God bless her always!
