Saturday, December 18, 2010

Third Week of Advent: Preparations


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Surprised that after your last post about evironmentalism and cribs you picked the fake tree, watch out for the chemicals there as in this article
    but you were dead on about Christmas. The homily this morning was like reading bits of your last post. I think that is great how your kids are more in tune to the real meaning of Christmas, you are great parents! Brianna wants to know if Caroline wants to be in the pageant with her this year. Practice is Wed. at 6.

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  3. Ha ha, yeah, the fake tree... Chris wanted to get it to save money because it was only $70 at WM, so after two years it pretty much pays for itself. We do prefer real trees for the smell and because they are nicer, we can go pick out a tree together, etc., but if we use this one even for just three years, we have saved money. Also, we won't ever have the issue again of going out in the third week of Advent to find a real tree and them all being gone (in our price range/size, like we had the problem with last year). We're usually for the cheaper option rather than the environmentally-friendly one, same as the cribs - it saves money to not buy them, just like disposable diapers too... being good for the environment is a side benefit but not the main goal. I will check out that article - thanks! I am concerned about chemicals in our house as you know, things like how mattresses having dangerous gasses in them and such...

    Yeah, as Fr. Vick talked, I said to Chris, "It's like he's inside my brain!" Ha ha... Yes, Caroline wants to do the pageant. I emailed to get details about it... last year when Brianna did it, where did you get her costume?

  4. Anonymous9:37 PM

    We go the cheaper option a lot of times too and everything has dangerous chemicals, even couches and such but I just found it a little ironic. I didn't mean to be mean about it, hope it didn't sound that way - things sometimes come off wrong when on the computer. I did think about that when we paid $35 for ours this year but I just love real trees and walmart had 15 dollar nice real trees on the 3rd week this year, all the trees were marked down. We have tons of stuff in our house that will sit in a landfill forever sadly. They have tons of costumes there for the kids. Which mass are you going to?

  5. Oh, no, it didn't sound mean... I know you didn't intend it to sound mean. It is ironic that we have to end up with junky stuff and chemicals we don't want in order to save money, though. I did see the $15 trees at WM last week, the week after we bought the fake tree! I didn't see them there last year though, when we had to buy the expensive 9 foot real tree for the "discount" price of $45 and then have them cut three feet off it so it'd fit in our house, ha ha! Wish we'd seen the $15 ones then! So we were scared from last year that we wouldn't be able to find one for a reasonable price this year. We'll have to keep an eye out for those in a few years when we're sick of the fake tree (and after it has paid for itself!).

    We are going to do the 4:00 Mass... I'd rather go later, but that's hard with little kids and getting dinner together and such...

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    We are doing the 4 for the same reason and I didn't see the $15 last year either. May not have them again next year either, Kim just got rid of a fake tree and I kept forgetting to ask her if she would give it to you but it was pretty huge too.
